Reports and photos

20 July - Faulconbridge Point and Grose Valley

It was a blustery but sunny day, so perfect for the walk out to Fauconbridge Point and then down towards the Grose River.  We didn't actually reach the river as one of our walkers had a significant fall and the decision was made to not continue.  However, despite initial concerns (and me going into full panic mode and planning where the rescue helicopter could land), our injured Lemon made a miraculous recovery and was able to walk out. Phew!  Enjoy the Relive video and photos below:

Relive Video: Faulconbridge Point & Grose Valley

22 June - Kanangra Walls to Krafts Wall

If you haven't been to Kanangra Walls before, then you should go.  They are simply spectacular. Lyrebirds serenaded us the whole way. The Relive Video does not do the Walls justice:

Kanangra Walls to Krafts Wall

Sat 8 June - Pride weekend walk, Nature Trail, Wentworth Falls

Thanks to those who came along on Saturday's lovely walk around the Nature Trail as part of the Pride weekend festivities.  Enjoy the Relive video

Nature Trail, Wentworth Falls

31 May - 1 June - Kedumba Valley overnight walk

Our 2-nighter walk was shortened to a one-nighter due to the rain increasing on Saturday. It was a good call because we avoided most of the rain. We had a small group because of the weather forecast, but gee it was a gorgeous walk with a few detours to check out a couple of other tracks. Jocelyn

One exploration ends with insurmountable rocks

We found a beautiful dam

Drying gear out

We can't resist a sunbake

7 Bridges Loop (modified version)

What a cracker of a walk today.  30km on many tracks and roads and of course over 7 bridges around Sydney Harbour.  Thanks to all those who came along on this walk and Ange for leading us so admirably! A few Lemons left the walk during the afternoon for other social obligations but 4 of us (and one keen dog) finished!  Enjoy the video:

7 Bridges walk (modified version)

Popes Glen & Braeside trail loop, Blackheath

It was perfect weather for a walk, albeit a tad chilly.  This is a lovely loop walk - but you'll see I forgot to start the Relive video when I should have, but it really is a complete loop. And the view into the Grose Valley is to die for!

Popes Glen & Braeside loop

Saturday, 11 May - Mt York loop

Well it was a soggy walk, but so good to get out regardless. There were understandably multiple cancellations for the walk, so only 3 hardy souls and 1 foolish dog ventured forth.

Enjoy Ange's Relive video: Mt York loop

Sunday, 28 April - Bike ride Mt Victoria to Hanging Rock

It was a perfect day for a bike ride!  Olga led us in her usual inimitable style. The view from Hanging Rock is one of the best (see the below video). Thanks Olga!

Check out the below Relive video (mainly for the route and to see Olga clinging to the cliff edge:

Mt Vic to Hanging Rock

Wednesday, 24 April - Grand Canyon

7 lemons did this midweek walk today. Unfortunately I'm not as good on the Relive as Jocelyn - forgot to turn on at the start and off at the end! The walk was only 7 km not 25km!!

Our next midweek walk will be Tuesday 7 May and will be Lockleys Pylon ( Golden Stairs are closed so we can't do ruined castle) . Hope to see you there. 

Saturday, 20 April - Kamarah Gully, Upper Grose Valley

We had a lovely walk today! It might have been misty and raining but in Kamarah Gully it was beautifully protected and you wouldn't have known.  We spent time looking around this gorgeous area where trees and plants reign supreme. The photos don't do it justice....

Before the descent into the gully

And in the gully itself

Then there were the plants....

And then the trees......

Thanks so much for all those who came along to enjoy this special part of the Upper Grose Valley. Jocelyn & Anne

Saturday, 13 April - Taronga Zoo to Balmoral

Taronga Zoo to Bradleys Head walk 

Thank you to the 9 wonderful Bush Lemons who came on this absolutely sublime walk, and the weather goddess being so kind as to give us beautiful weather.

After traversing Sydney Harbour towards Sydney Harbour National Park at Middle Head, we alighted our ferry to start our walk on the Athol Bay track. This walk definitely didn't disappoint for sweeping harbour views, picturesque bays, historical sites, and a long track of eucalyptus trees, ferns, and wildlife (mainly bush turkey's, we even got a display on the way back to Taronga Zoo ferry, of a bush turkey building a huge mound of leaves, and a pair of female turkeys admiring what we thought might be their new home...very impressive!). Points of interest were Bradley Head, the foremast of HMAS Sydney cruiser. Clifton Garden Reserve and Chowder Bay, looking around the Naval buildings, (where I did the Chariot of Fire run to save our group a table for morning tea), Georges Heights Headland Park, where we looked around the Artist Precinct. Finally arriving at Balmoral Beach for lunch and a swim. Also on the way back 5 of us found time to visit the Mr Whippy van to top off a wonderful day with an ice cream. What a cracker of a day😁 Britta


Sunday, 7 April - Kiama Coast Walk

Clear blue skies, warming sunshine, big swell, dolphins, light easterly breeze and lovely company on the walk from Minnamurra to Kiama today.

Thanks to those who joined this picturesque stroll along beaches, through bush and then to the Kiama lighthouse for lunch.

Interesting chats, lots of laughs and great to meet new Lemons.

Special mention to Rachel for her ‘Wonder Woman/ Chariots of Fire’ run back along Bombo Beach to find a lemons lost phone - bit wet and sandy - but miraculously found. Fran

Bushrangers Bay snorkelling - Sun, 7 April

We had to postpone snorkelling at Bushrangers Bay on Saturday due to giant waves down the south coast.  A few of us did a recce on Sunday in the calmer conditions and Rachael will plan to put this on again in the summer calendar.  Meanwhile here are some photos of the Bay, including an amazing collection of shells in the rock pools.

Easter 2024 - Peakgrove, Yass Valley

19 Lemons had a wonderful Easter at Saan & Jo's property in the Yass Valley.  We not only spent time walking, birdwatching and mountain biking on the property but did some good deeds such as treating Serrated Tussock with Granulated Urea and tree planting.  Seeing how the mistreated property Murrumvale is being cared for and returned to the animals and nature was heartwarming.  We had lots of wonderful meals and talks over the weekend as well as a visit to Mulligans Flat sanctuary in Canberra.  Thank you to all who came along to make this such a terrific time!  

Some photos of the properties........

Paloos checking out the badminton set


A large wombat burrow

The new 'soft' wombat release area

Some photos of treating serrated tussock in the early mornings....

A magnificent Kurrajong tree in the middle

Tree planting

Some photos of wonderful Mulligans Flat (not many though as it was a night walk) but we did see Bettongs, an Echidna, Spotted Quoll, a Tawny Frogmouth, heard a Bush Stone Curlew, saw lots of Possums (plus I tried to convince the group that some Possums were Bettongs and Sulphur Crested Cockatoos were Owlet Nightjars!)

A Tawny Frogmouth

And then of course there were lots of meals and socialising to be had.....

Watching footage from the wildlife cameras

Thank you to all who came along on this wonderful Easter weekend in a very special and inspiring place. And many thanks to Saan and Jo for being the best hostesses!

Sat, 23 March - NPWS Rainbow Lyrebirds

We had a lovely day with the Rainbow Lyrebirds at Middle Head and hopefully this will be the first of many such opportunities.  We started the day with some bonding activities and then moved onto removing Asparagus Fern which was taking over the area. It was a real bugger to remove! We were then taken on a guided walk. What a wonderful location to spend the day with a great bunch of people!

Bloody Asparagus Fern

Bags of the ferns

Saturday, 16 March - Narrowneck, Medlow Gap, Dunphys Campground

What a cracker of a walk today! We started off in fog and drizzle which cleared to patches of blue sky.   Thanks to the hardy souls who came along. Enjoy the Relive video:  Narrowneck to Dunphys Campground  

Saturday, 2 March - Volunteering at Mardi Gras Parade

A number of Lemons had a wonderful time volunteering for the Mardi Gras Parade.  It was terrific to give back to our community! Thanks to all those who spent hours on the parade route. You are champions!

The iconic barricade move

We had a refreshing drink after hours of work! 

Sat, 24 February - Pierces Pass to Blue Gum Forest

Snoozing Blue Banded Bee holding on by its mandible

What a beautiful walk in the mist!  The mizzle cleared as we came down the Pass and then we followed the Grose River to the forest, where a few Lemons walked on through it and the rest of us lunched. The leeches were around (no surprises there) but we also saw a PLATYPUS in the river!!  How special (but it was too quick for our cameras)!  It was lovely to walk in the cooler weather and as usual Pierces Pass and the Grose River were a delight! Enjoy the video:

Pierces Pass to Blue Gum

Sat, 17 February - Spit to Manly

Thank you to the 11 amazing Bush Lemons who braved the heat to make this a most enjoyable and fun walk. We had a few swims along the way. A few of our newer Bush Lemons to this walk, viewed the historical Aboriginal Engravings at Grotto Point and took in all the beautiful views along the way. We also made time for a swim at Forty Baskets Beach, then onto Fairlight Beach for lunch and another swim. Some of the women took a ferry back to Circular Quay and the rest of us walked back to Spit Bridge and had another swim at a little secluded beach along the way. A few of us got to see a little wallaby foraging in the bush. The little lizards and Water Dragons were also putting on a show along the way. A walk with lots to see and do! Thank you again Jocelyn for the Relive video. Britta

Enjoy the Relive video of this popular walk, (but do note that this was the slightly shorter dog walking road route):  Spit to Manly & return

Sat, 11 February - Cabbage Tree Bay snorkel

We had a lovely afternoon snorkelling Cabbage Tree Bay in water that was a balmy 24 degrees. 

Entering off Shelley Beach and after some adjustments to masks, we cruised down the western side of the bay, spotting Blue and Green groupers, large schools of Luderick, Blennies, Wrasse, Red Morwongs, Mados, and Fiddler rays.

On the Bower side of the bay it was an absolute aquarium, with a very low tide and lots of Leatherjackets, Stripeys, Angle fish and Estuary Catfish. 

Estuary catfish

Fiddler ray

Moon Wrasse

Red Morwong

The water was flat and the sun shone in the late afternoon, making it a very pleasant summer beach outing. Thanks to all who came along!  Rachael 

3 February 2024 - Remote First Aid Training

15 of us attended Remote First Aid training for the Bush Lemons held by Pulse First Aid in Hazelbrook. Never was the saying 'the more you learn, the more you realise you have to learn' more true.  We had undertaken 3 hours of online training in the lead up and then this full day of practical training. It was very informative and in parts stressful but also fun! Our Remote First Aid certificates will last for 3 years and our CPR component for 1 year.  I really want to thank the Lemons who came along - good on you all!! And a big thankyou to our trainers Victoria and Frances.  It's so important for everyone to learn first aid.  Jocelyn

Lots to learn!

Testing the storm shelter

All hands on deck for our casualty event

Torniquets and packing wounds....

CellAED - a lightweight defibrillator

More learning....

Our lucky casualties - Ken & Sarah (we reckon the accident was Ken's fault)

Our casualties being beautifully looked after (even Ken)

Saturday, 20 January 2024

Thank you to the 9 awesome Bush Lemons who made this a fun, interesting and informative walk. The talkative Flying Foxes were putting on a show in their camp, while some of the female bats were hanging in their trees with little ones on their backs…I don’t know how they do it! We also had the best view’s of the surrounding Inner West area on top of Nanny Goat Hill, where we stopped for a short break surrounded by fig and gum trees. The next section, walking along the trail and a few reserves, patting a few well behaved dogs along the way, we eventually came off the Girrahween Track leading us onto the footpath into Bexley North Village. Here we had a well earned cuppa. Thank you Lea for your knowledge of Bush Tucker and plants, and Manuela for your amazing photos. A very special day indeed🦇🦇🦇  Britta

Sunday, 21 January - Lions Head, Wentworth Falls

16 Lemons did this new walk is fairly hot conditions.  At morning tea we split into two groups, one heading slowly back to the cars and the other pushing on to summit Lions Head. Thank goodness for the cooling breeze! And thanks to all those who came along to soak up the spectacular views.  Enjoy the video: Lions Head

13 January 2024 - Mt Banks Loop

What a super walk this one is with such sublime views!  It was a warm day so there are only photos on the way out on the below Relive video as I was too keen to get back to the shade.  Thanks Anne!

Mt Banks loop walk

Saturday, 23 December - Thor Head afternoon/evening walk

We had a very lovely last walk for the year out to Thor Head which overlooks the Grose Valley. And although I had lots of cancellation due to forecasted rain & did not rain!!!  The views here are sublime, the bush full of beautiful flora, we were lucky enough to see a Rockwarbler, Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos, and on the way back at dusk we shared the track with a kangaroo. Dining on Thor Head was perfect and the walk was very special.  All the best to all for a kind Christmas Season.  Enjoy the Relive Video of the walk here:  Thor Head evening walk

Saturday, 16 December - Megalong Valley, Megalong Rd to Coxs River

Our scheduled wallk in Glenbrook was changed due to the forecasted high temperatures and instead we did part of the Six Foot Track which leads down to the Coxs River in the Megalong Valley.  It was a shorter walk with lovely swims, much nicer to do in the warm weather. Thanks to those who went with the last minute change. Jocelyn.   Enjoy the video:  Megalong Rd to Coxs River

Tuesday, 5 December - Under & Over Cliff walk, Katoomba

Hi Lemons
Today 4 Lemons did a midweek walk on the under/overcliff walk at Wentworth Falls. The sun was shining and it was a cracking day to be out in it. We lunched at the Conservation Hut afterwards (new management and delicious food and good coffee). 
The next mid week walk will be Wedneday 20 December. Details will be sent shortly. (Not on current BL calendar) Thanks to those who came along. Anne

Check out the Relive Video: Under & Over Cliff walk

Saturday, 2 December - Wentworth Falls Lake walk & picnic

The threatened rain stayed away and the sun came out in the afternoon, so those of us that braved Wentworth Falls Lake had a lovely walk and picnic.  Thanks to all those who came along and thanks to Anne for providing cups of tea and coffee for us all.  Enjoy the photos. Jocelyn

Saturday, 18 November - Middle Harbour Creek Loop

What a fantastic walk we had today. I hope you enjoy the Relive video and sorry for a couple of smudged photos (I think it was water and not my attempt at some misty romantic shots!). Thanks to those who came along on this beautiful walk. 

Relive video: Middle Harbour Creek Loop

Saturday, 4 November - Explorers Tree to Megalong Road

It was predicted to be wet on this walk, and consequently I had lots of cancellations, but the conditions turned out to be pretty lovely for the 3 of us who persevered. Only a light shower or two and the mist around the escarpments was very atmospheric.

Relive video - 6 Foot Track - Explorers Tree to Megalong Road

Saturday, 21 October - Victorian Period Costume walk - Scenicworld to Leura Forest

Walking in period costume is a serious business

We had a fun time walking in rather warm outfits from the Scenic Railway to Leura Forest. Tourist and locals were both bemused and amused.....and who could blame them.

The walk past the bottom of Katoomba Falls and around to Leura Forest is lovely.

After a lovely luncheon we then returned back to Scenicworld and a trip back up the Cableway.

Some of us had to dab away the perspiration

There's always work to do at Scenicworld!


What a gorgeous group of Victorian women!

Thanks to all who accessed their inner Victorian walking woman and experienced the difficulties of walking in this garb. I for one couldn't wait to get that bloody hat off. Jocelyn

Saturday, 7 October - Mt Solitary Traverse

We were a small and fast moving group who tackled the iconic and challenging Mt Solitary Traverse. Perfect weather and good company made it lovely. Enjoy the Relive Video:

Mt Solitary Traverse

Saturday, 23 September - Coastal Walk, Bouddi National Park

Six Lemons had a wonderful walk along the Coastal Track in Bouddi National Park on Saturday. The weather was a lovely 19C with the sun sparkling on the water at times, and we saw the spouts of several whales, and a few distant glistening black backs. Wildflowers were everywhere and the water, though cold, invited at least half of us into a dip! The promised stairs were a good workout, but worth it for the fabulous views at every turn. Thanks to the Lemons who came along, and special thanks to Susan for the photos. Jem

Saturday, 16 September - Kedumba Pass, Kedumba Valley & Lions Head Pass

6 of us took on this walk in fairly warm conditions.  Although we have walked down Kedumba Pass plenty of times, the ascent up through Lions Head was a new and exciting one. Enjoy the Relive Video:  Kedumba and Lions Head Passes

Saturday, 9 September - Birdwatching at Rhododendron Gardens

What a keen lot of birdwatchers!

We saw Golden Whistlers, Grey Shrike-Thrush, Rosellas, Kookaburras, White-browed Scrubwrens, Striated Thornbills, Currawongs, Magpies, Red Wattlebirds, Eastern Spinebills, a Yellow Robin, and lots of small and quick moving birds.  No photos of birds as I was too busy looking through my binoculars!  The gardens were beautiful too.

And Alie's shot of the day - the Golden Whistler's bum!

Thanks to all those who came along to enjoy the birds, weather and company. Jocelyn

Saturday, 2 September - Perrys Lookdown to halfway up Du Faur Head

It was a perfect Spring day to walk through the Grose Valley.  The descent down Perrys Lookdown left our knees a tad weak before we stopped for morning tea on the Grose River.

We then crossed the river and ascended around 2/3rds of the way up to Du Faur Head for lunch. The crossing of the Grose River was by way of a downed tree.

The walk back up Perrys Lookdown is always a good challenge and it was somewhat of a relief to see the cars at the top. 

Relive video


Saturday, 26 August - Loftus to Audley

Seven Lemons enjoyed the Royal National Park. The weather was fine & warm. The 14km of tracks were dry with very few other bush walkers. Highlights were Bungoona Look-out (views over the Hacking River), Honeymoon Track, Robertson Roundabout, Kangaroo Creek, gorgeous angophoras, massive outcrops of sandstone, Waratahs in bloom, stunning green 2m high Gymea Lillies leaves, & a painter’s palette of spring-time flowers. Up & down we went. Then more up & down. It was a fabulous day out adventuring together. The photos (below) tell the story best …Sue. (photo credits to Sue, Rachel, Julia)

Bungonia Lookout

Robertson Knoll

Bungonia Lookout view

Stairs down escarpment

View into Botany Bay & north to Centrepoint

Kangaroo Creek

Drosera spatulata - carnivorous perennial herb

Saturday, 19 August - Box Head, Bouddi National Park

6 lemons enjoyed the spectacular views and weather in Bouddi National Park. Thanks for coming and sharing and thanks to Rachel and Leah for photos.  Dee 

Saturday, 22 July - Cowan to Berwra (va Berowra Waters)

We had fantastic winter weather for the 7 Lemons on the walk. It was up & down all the way - ie tough, but extremely enjoyable. Hikers were rewarded with stunning views, and continually changing tree & plant species during our 6 hour adventure. [13km; 630m descent/ascent].

This walk is part of the “Great North Walk” route. Lots of sandstone, bush & some creek crossings. Mainly single track, but also a km or two of management trail. Highlights are the Aboriginal middens & the descent into the timelessness of the Hawkesbury River at Berowra Waters. Here is the photographic record of the day (thanks photographer Kylie). Sue

Morning tea


Roland Murray Bench

Triumph after walk back up from Hawkesbury River

Lunch view

View near the end

Saturday, 14 July - Medlow Bath explore

There are places on this walk when you feel like you are walking back in time. Some gorgeous old tracks through a wide variety of landscapes.  Thanks to those who came along. Anne

Medlow Bath explore video

Saturday, 8 July - Lower Porters Pass & Centennial Pass

Walking these two lovely lower passes means that you rarely see anyone and you can get off the main tracks. However, it also means there are a lot of obstacles, including a huge amount of downed trees, but that can also be part of the fun!  We did lose the track a few times but it was all good in the end and everyone was very patient and good company! Enjoy the Relive video:

Lower Porters & Centennial Glen Passes

Saturday, 17 June - Sphinx Track & Bobbin Head loop

A most lovely walk today in beautiful winter weather.

 Relive Video: Sphinx & Bobbin Head loop

Saturday, 10 June - Asgard Swamp & Thor Head, Mt Victoria

What a lovely King's long weekend walk 19 of us had today. Thanks to everyone who came along, to Anne, Olga and Lesley for their cars.  Check out the video:  Asgard Swamp & Thor Head

And then there was the lovely lunch at the Victoria & Albert Guesthouse afterwards

Saturday, 3 June - T3 track to Colo River

What a fantastic walk this is in such a spectacular wilderness area. We all agreed that the challenge of the ascent back up from the river makes this walk, even as tough as it is. Thanks to the tough Lemons who came along!! Enjoy the video:  T3 to Colo River track

Friday, 26 May - Sunday, 28 May

Well yes, it was cold.....perhaps one could say freezing. Six of us threw caution to the winds and enjoyed a weekend at Kedumba River Crossing Campground. This valley is teeming with wildlife and beauty.

Glossy Black Cockatoos

Kangaroos in the campground

Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos

And we did some walks out of the valley too.

 And the frost and ice had it's own beauty too.

No, not a magic trick, just frozen water.

Thanks to those who shared their photos and came along on this adventure. Jocelyn

Sat, 20 May - Gordon Falls & Sublime Point, Leura 

 A beautiful walk today and more lookouts than were promised. Thanks to Anne for leading this walk. 

Relive Video:  Gordon Falls & Sublime Point

Turon Gates weekend camp, 12-14 May

Turon Gates really is a fantastic place to camp with a beautifully located campground, good bathroom facilities, wildlife, pet friendly, lots of walks, fireplaces, places to explore, bike rides etc. We made the most of it, but we also had lots of chats, laughs and times around the campfires!

There were good walks, bike rides, painting, photography, cooking, gazing at the river....


 And we were pretty lucky with only one rain shower....

Thanks to everyone who came along, to Olga for bringing her gazebo and everyone for the firewood and your wonderful company! We will be back to Turon Gates!

Sat, 6 May - Mt Piddington, Hornes Pt, Coxs Cave circuit

We had a lovely walk around this beautiful area in the most perfect weather conditions.  Because this area is council reserve and not national park we had a few doggies along too. Thanks to all who came along and enjoy the video:-

Sunday, 30 April - Blackheath to Point Pilcher ride

After a solid day of rain on Saturday, the clouds finally ran out of water to drop. Blackheath to Medlow could have been ridden or canoed, the puddles were large, deep and plentiful. Thanks Rach for doing the Relive and Vee for taking out “best in puddle ride technique”. Muddy butts and big grins … enjoy. Olga

Puddle video: Puddles video

Relive video: Blackheath to Pt Pilcher Relive

Saturday, 22 April - Two Valley Trail - Tempe to North Bexley

Thirteen lovely Bush Lemons turned up for this gem of a walk hidden around the suburbs of the Inner West. We walked along a section of the Cooks River tracing the track along mangroves, wetland, and coming across 3 very old worker cottages hidden on a small part of the Jackson Track. As we walked further along the track, and into the bush we started to smell and hear the squabble of the bats hanging in the trees above us, this area is now called the "Bat Camp", and definitely lives up to its name! After walking on through a few reserves we eventually came to our destination at Bexley North where we decided to have our lunch in Bexley North Park. After lunch and wonderful conversations, we headed back into the bush leaving busy suburbia behind, tracing the trail back to Tempe Station. The Weather Goddess was also very kind to us for this walk, a wonderful day!

Relive Video:  Two Valleys Trail

Saturday, 1 April - Victoria Falls to Perrys Lookdown via Grose Valley

What a fantastic walk!  Many thanks to Rachael, Jem, Chris and Anne for helping with cars.  The Grose Valley is looking beautiful!  Check out the video of our epic walk here:-

Sunday, 19 March - Tempe to Woollaraware Bay

Thank you to the 6 Bush Lemon cycling crew who braved the very warm weather to cycle from Tempe to Woollaraware Bay. Also thank you to Annette for being an exceptional ride sweep. Our first stop was at Cook Park in Kyeemagh, for a photo shoot with the big bronze sculpture "Come Out Hippo '' by creators Gilli and Marc. We then cycled along the waterfront, passing quite a few people swimming in the bays along the way. We then weaved our way onto Captain Cook Bridge, arriving at our destination Woollaware Bay for another photo opportunity, then finishing at Toast Cafe, where I think most riders were happy to stop for a bite to eat and a cuppa. Most of us didn't bring our swimmers, and because of the heat we made a decision at the cafe to cycle back to Tempe, the end of our ride. Apart from the hot weather, it was an enjoyable ride with an awesome group of women. Britta

Saturday, 18 March - Walls Cave, Blackheath

We had a lovely beginners/easy walk on this easy return to Walls Cave.
Thanks to everyone who came along! Enjoy the video (which includes the car trip back to the Blackheath Cafe - note to self to remember to turn off the video when we finish a walk!!)

Saturday, 11 March - Nellies Glen & Devils Hole Loop, Katoomba

Thanks to the 8 lemons who came on this very interesting little walk. It truly is full of the joys and includes a good workout. My 200m ascent was really 500m but everyone managed it brilliantly. Unfortunately I only have my L plates for driving Relive (must remember to turn it back on after a break).  See the Relive video here:

Happy walking everyone. Anne

Saturday, 25 Feb - Mardi Gras Parade

What a great experience and a great way to celebrate our 27 years.  Thanks to all those Lemons who participated and helped our entry!  What a great experience it was and a good opportunity to represent Lesbians!!


Sunday, 20 February - Mardi Gras Fair Day

The quiet before the storm

We had a great day as usual at Fair Day. Handed out lots of information, sold almost all of our merchandise, chatted to new Lemons, socialised and sat in the shade, and then did an hour's enthusiastic practise of the parade routine.  Many, many thanks too those Lemons who helped carry gear, set up, pack up, woman the stall, pat dogs!  Not many photos as I often forget in the busyness. Thanks Lemons.

Gathering for the dance practise

A chat and rest!

Sat, 19 February - Kiama Coast Track

Thank you to all who joined the Kiama Coastal Track walk travelling from near and afar.

It was quite hot at times but the north easterly made walking more comfortable as did the occasional dip in the ocean.

Such a lovely group of women, interesting conversations, laughter, excitement in anticipation for Mardi Gras and a beautiful swim in the waves to finish.

We are all so lucky to be part of the Bush Lemons.

With thanks, Fran.

5 February 2023 - Cabbage Tree Bay Snorkelling

The Bush Lemons had perfect conditions on Saturday, bright sun, 8-10 metres visibility, a low tide, water temp 23 degrees, and a picnic table in the shade. The fish were out in huge numbers... including:

Wrasses a plenty - (Crimson Banded, Senator, Maori and Snakeskin Wrasse),  Eastern Pomfreds, schools of Silver Sweep swimming and turning in unison, Old Wives, A Moorish Idol or two, Eastern hulafish, large schools of sand whiting and Scad, Rock Cod, Rainbow Cale (out for Mardi Gras), Red Morwongs, Leatherjackets, bottom-dwelling Gobys, Kapalensis Stingarees (common stingray but cute none-the-less), bright yellow and blue juvenile Scalyfin (worth googling), a mystery fish later identified as an Estuary catfish, simply thousands of Mados, several large as well as juvenile Easter Blue Groupers, Rock Blackfish, the appropriately named Piano Fangbelly, and a hover of seven baby cuttlefish. 

And not forgetting the beautiful sponges, soft corals and sea grass beds. 

A spectacular day underwater - thanks to all who came along! Rachael

Saturday, 28 January 2023 - Iron Pot Mtn, Ironmonger Spur, Coxs River, Breakfast Creek, Carlons Creek loop

What a fantastic walk!  Yes it was challenging and it was hot, but the river and creek were wonderfully refreshing.  Only one one snake (which I did a rather unplanned and intricate dance with) and seeing the cars at the end was somewhat of a relief. Thanks to those Lemons who rose to the challenge!

Saturday, 21 January 2023 - Hanging Rock Trail  bike ride

A quick and straightforward bike ride out to Hanging Rock and the terrific view into the Grose Valley:

Sun, 8 January 2023 - Narrowneck to Clear Hill

This was a goodly long walk to kickstart our year and shake out our legs. The weather was warm but we had a delightful breeze on the way back.  Enjoy the video here:

Sat, 10 December - Medlow Bath explore

What a lovely explore of the historic tracks on the western side of Medlow Bath we had today. There are kilometres of tracks on this side of Medlow, and we got to see many of the natural and man-made features.  Thanks to Anne for showing us this unique and beautiful area.  Enjoy the video

Saturday, 3 December - Megalong Road to Coxs River (on Six Foot Track)

It was such a lovely day to be out walking down to the Coxs River.  Birds and goannas aplenty, and a cute little long-necked tortoise was spotted. The dip in the river was perfect.  Thanks to all those who came along!  Enjoy the video:

Saturday, 26 November - Giant Stairs to Kedumba Pass

It was a great challenging walk today in wonderful weather, and so nice to be in the valley.  The birds in the rainforest area around Leura Forest were magical and we saw a goodly sized Copperhead Snake on the firetrail. And one of the best bits was we had a fantastic swim!! Enjoy: 

Saturday, 19 November - Castle Head Sydney

A most lovely visit to Castle head today, with lots of wondrous flowers out (apologies for my poor quality flower photos).  The sun orchids are running riot in the upper mountains at the moment. (The best type of riot to have.) Enjoy the video:

Saturday 12 November - Sydney Bike Ride

Six of us enjoyed the stunning Sydney weather for a social spin around Sydney Olympic Park today. 

There were celebrations after reaching the top of the Bay Marker spiral lookout that gives 360 degree views over the park and surrounding city & river landscape where we paused for morning tea. It was way more fun on the way down where we could get up a bit of speed!


The next stop was Shipwreck Bay where old & unused vessels were transported in the 1960s and 1970s to be decommissioned & disposed of. The yard vanished and nature took over, slowly turning the wrecks into floating forests. 

The final stop before lunch was the Brickpit Ring Walk (or cycle!), which serves as a water storage and frog habitat. It's also home to black swans and ducks that leave dark trails as they swim through what we thought was algae, but is actually a tiny native plant called Duckweed Lemna disperma that the water birds love to feed on. 

 Thanks to everyone who came along and to Vee for her detailed knowledge of the roads and tracks throughout the park. Jan

 Saturday, 6 November - Furber Stairs to Narrowneck, Katoomba

It was another dry day for our Katoomba walk. Such a treat!  It was lovely to descend into the Jamison Valley and hear all the birds and walk on the Federal Pass track again.  Enjoy the video.

Saturday, 29 October - Spit to Manly walk

Lots of flannel flowers

What a view!

Watch the walk video here: Spit to Manly walk

Sat, 15 Oct - Victorian Period Costume Walk, Medlow Bath

We finally had our Victorian Period Costume walk, after proposing it years ago.  Thank you to all those plucky women who came along to recreate the costumes those amazing women wore in the Victorian era.  We all agreed that walking in long skirts, stiff collars and large hats took a bit of getting used to. Some also found it hard to not smile in the photos, however I found it came naturally to me. We had a private tour of the Hydro Majestic which was quite a highlight and walked on some of the older tracks behind it. We waved our hankies at a departing train and picnicked in Medlow Bath Park listening to live music.  Prue has put together a most amazing video which is available on our Facebook page.  Thank you to everyone who came along.  What a lot of fun we had!!!  Enjoy the photos. Jocelyn

Our tour of the Hydro

Navigating a fence in skirts aint so easy

A little bit of rock climbing (as you do)

What a gorgeous bunch of Victorian women

Sun, 25 September - Birdwatching walk

Well it was a beautiful day for a birdwatching walk, but with so many people around it meant the birds stayed away.  We did see a lovely Butcher Bird, Wattle Birds, Honeyeaters, Rosellas, Eastern Lorikeets, and lots of small quick moving birds.

We also visited the Aboriginal grinding grooves

Grey Butcherbird

The elusive 'rock' bird

And some people were such keen birdwatchers that they seemed to be everywhere!

Thanks to those who came along and enjoyed the sun. We will have another birdwatching walk soon. Jocelyn

Yerranderie camp, Fri 16 Sept - Sun, 18 Sept

The old post office and tailor shop

The Lemons had a lovely time at the ghost town of Yerranderie, which is now managed by National Parks. It is roughly a 3.5 hour drive from the upper mountains, but very worthy of a visit. There are old buildings (some of which have been restored) relics from the silver mining days, two campgrounds and bushwalks.

Private Town campground

View from Bartlett Head

Thanks to those who were able to come along to this most special of places. Jocelyn

Sat, 10 Sept - Staples Lookout to Patonga

The weather was perfect for this lovely walk in an absolute wildflower wonderland every step of the way! 6 Lemons started from Staples Lookout, navigated various criss-crossing trails, and as a small side hike, climbed Mt Wondabyne with its breathtaking views across 3 national parks and back down to Brisbane Water. Here we had morning tea absorbing the beauty, before descending again onto the ridge with its rock platforms encasing little gardens, and a huge snake made of rocks. As promised, we passed through a tiny but beautiful rainforest gully just after the Woy Woy tip - the contrasts of our world!

Lunch again found us with fabulous views across distant hills and the Hawkesbury hinterland. We then crossed Patonga Drive into an area famed for its waratahs, explored another little side trip with wonderful rocks and yet more wildflowers, until we reached Warrah Lookout over the Hawkesbury mouth with panoramic views of Barrenjoey Lighthouse, Lion Island and West Head. Descending down into Patonga we finally reached the beach. 

Thanks to the wonderful Lemons who made this walk such a funny, friendly and fab experience, and thanks to Manuela for the gorgeous photos! Jem

Sun, 28 Aug - Lockleys Pylon & Du Faur Head, Leura

It was perfect weather to be out on this walk. It's a notoriously windy spot, but the wind behaved today and so did we.  For those who were there you will see the photos on the Relive video are not always located where they were taken for some reason (I'm so technically challenged!).  Thanks to all those who came along to see the amazing views in this most lovely of areas.

Lockleys Pylon

Sat, 10 Aug - Sassafras Gully & Magdala Gully walk, Springwood

What a most gorgeous walk today!  This is a beautiful area full of lush rainforest, spectacular Sassafras trees, impressive temple-like rocky outcrops and lovely swimming holes. It's a loop walk which starts behind Springwood shops, so easily accessible.  Enjoy the video:-

Sassafras Gully and Magdala Gully walk

Sat, 16 July - Porters Pass & Centenial Glen

There were numerous cancellations for this walk (it's the world we live in at the moment) so we were a small group that did this most lovely of walks today.  There were quite a few other people out walking, and the occasional dog too.  As I was sometimes carrying Scrumpy (he's a dog, not a Lemon) some of my photos in the Relive video were taken quickly, and for some reason the Relive video stopped short of where we did!  Sit back and enjoy the Zen of the video:

Porters Pass & Centennial Glen

Fri, 24 - Sun, 26 June Black Range 3 day walk

All fresh at the start

We had a great walk exploring the firetrails off Black Range, out in the Kanangra Boyd Wilderness.  The temperatures were pretty low overnight, but the day time temps were perfect for walking.  We descended down Moorara Boss Firetrail and camped the first night on the lovely Jenolan River (where we had a very quick dip! Yes, there were some screams).

  After a rather chilly night we plodded back up to the range and then down to the Little River to collect water.  We had the option to camp the 2nd night here, but it was quite damp and evidence of 4WDs using the small campsite, so instead decided we needed more of a challenge, so ascended back up onto Black Range and found a lovely campsite on Cronje Mountain Trail.  We ascended more than 1000m this day!

Finally relaxing on Cronje Mountain

It was a slightly milder night here and we had a lovely outlook back towards the twinkling lights of the Hydro Majestic. 

The last day was on the undulating Black Range Track back to the cars, and we kept an eye open for koalas and explored another trail nearby. 

Winter is a challenging time to camp overnight, but also a very beautiful time and there are no flies or mosquitos. Thanks to those who came along for this fantastic explore of this beautiful  area.  We hope to do more exploration of some of the other trails in this area soon! Jocelyn

Sun, 19 June - Burramoka Fire Trail to Hanging Rock, Blackheath

Burramoka Fire Trail to Hanging Rock

Sat 11 June - Ngula Bulgarabang GLBTQ walk

It was a beautiful day for our annual GLBTQ walk.  This time we visited Ngula Bulgarabang with its terrific tracks and views.  Thanks to all who came along and enjoy the Relive video below:

Ngula Bulgarabang walk

Sat 4 June - Cowan to Berowra 

This is a very pretty walk with lots of ups and downs, great views, gorgeous Angophora trees and rock outcrops.  We were a pared down group after a few cancellations but that didn't stop our enthusiasm. Unfortunately my Relive video didn't work for some reason, but the walk was 15.7km and took us 6 hours.


We stopped for sustenance and a brief rest at the beautiful river at Berowra Waters.

Then we pushed on to the end of the walk at Berowra.  What a lovely walk!!

Sun 15 May - Gordons Bay Snorkel


9 Bush Lemons plunged into the pleasant autumn waters in search of the Gordon’s Bay underwater nature trail. We set off from Gordon’s Bay beach up the southern side of the bay and were greeted by a beautiful 2 metre Wobbegong swimming slowly along. Several schools of Luderick (with black stripes), blue and green groupers, Māori wrasse, and a few parrot fish.

Blue Grouper

 We then headed across the bay to the Northern side and finally found the trail. Some of the markers were difficult to spot due to recent weather events. This side of the bay had an abundance of Mados, Sweep, Angel fish and Stingarees and a strange looking conglomerate of anemone called Isaurus Cliftoni.  

Isaurus Cliftoni Anemone

Fan Sponge


After 80 minutes in the water it was time to head in and get warm. Thanks to everyone who came and splashed around, to Joc for going back to fetch the buoy, and to Vanessa for her photos!  Rachael

Sat 14 May - Tempe to Brighton Bike ride 

It was a cracker of a day for our ride from Tempe to Brighton. Eight keen women turned up for the ride. We followed the Cooks River to Kyeemagh cycle and walk path to Brighton Beach, where we stopped for morning tea, the sun came out just as we arrived. There were no swims but one Lemon decided to ride back home and pick up her stand up paddle board and drive back for a paddle. Along the way we saw some sand sculptures and community gardens. We all had a wonderful time trying to solve the problems of the world over a cup of coffee, tea and cake for some. After morning tea we rode back to Tempe the same way. Britta

 Sat 7 May - Sunday 8 May - Splendour Rock, Wild Dog Mountains

Thanks to the marvellous walkers who took on this challenging hike to fantastic Splendour Rock.  Everyone ought to do this hike at least once! I have chosen appropriate dramatic music for the video!

Splendour Rock video

Sat, 30 April - Zigzag & Reinits Pass Tracks, Mt Victoria

Good on those who joined us for an expected wet walk along these tracks, but we were pretty lucky with the weather.  There was a tricky landslip halfway along the Reinits Track to negotiate, and then I complicated things by losing one of my dogs (you can see on the video where I backtrack to try to find him. He was found at 5am Sunday rather bedraggled but okay).  Thanks to the walkers for their forbearance and patience and to Portia for keeping us all in line!

Relive video

Saturday, 2 April - Perrys Lookdown to Lockleys Pylon Track

Perrys to halfway up Lockleys Pylon

Sunday, 20 March - Ingar & Andersons Fire Trail

Our 25km walk on the Ingar and Andersons Fire Trail was on a dry sunny day (amazing!).  It's a long walk with a really decent hill and very varied scenery.  My Relive video doesn't have many photos but it gives a really good overview of the walk.

Ingar & Andersons firetrails

Sat, 19 Feb - Spit to Manly

This walk is always lovely with harbour views and swims.  Our lunch time swim at Fairlight Tidal Pool was extra exciting due to the big swell and we frolicked like kids.  We also spotted a lovely acquatic animal off 40 Baskets Beach.  Enjoy the Relive video:

Sat, 12 Feb - Faulconbridge Point and Grose River

The gate to the National Park at Glenbrook was closed due to water over the causeway, so we chose  to do this alternate walk:  Faulconbridge Point and Grose River

Fri, 4 - Sun, 6 Feb - Ganguddy camp

What a lovely weekend spent out in this beautiful area near Rylstone. We were pretty lucky with the weather as most showers were brief and followed by sun.  Thanks to the 32 Lemons who came along and embraced all the different activities or just relaxed and chilled out.

There were games aplenty.  Thanks for Ali for bringing her circus skills and toys! 

Many thanks to generous and patient Kate who brought all her Nomads kayaks with her and led memorable kayak trips on the waters, including a fantastic evening kayak where we drifted along as night fell listening to all the beautiful sounds of nature. We were welcomed back to the camp by the other Lemons who welcomed us with fairy lights and song!

There were a numbers of bushwalks, including the lovely Pagoda lookout and Long Cave. Orchids were spied and bird lists made.


Watch the video of our bushwalk here: Video of Pagoda Lookout, Weir & Long Cave walk

Bec & Belinda put on a lovely cheese platter spread for us, there were visits to check out the campervans, small tent problems were fixed, possums, quolls and turtles spotted, friendships made, swims aplenty, much laughter and stories told.  

Thanks to Anne and Sophie for many of the photos. Thanks to Olga, Deb & Gaby for their gazebos for shelter when it rained.

What a wonderful time spent in nature with a wonderful group of Lemons.  Thank you all!! Jocelyn

Sun, 30 Jan 2022 - Cabbage Tree Bay Snorkel

It really was a perfect day for snorkelling, and Cabbage Bay Aquatic Reserve off Shelley Beach was the perfect location.

A lovely group of Lemons gathered for the day and very soon we were in the water and just amazed by the variety of fish that we saw!  This is an accessible and wonderful spot to see so much.  I'll let the photos speak for themselves!

Blue Groper

Eastern Fiddler  Ray

A Wobbegong's tail

Thanks to Ange and Anne for the photos and Rachael  for leading us on such a wonderful snorkelling day, and thanks to all those adventurous souls who came along and were treated to such amazing sights! Jocelyn

Lockley's Pylon Track to Grose River - 2 Jan 2022

Lockley's Pylon Track to Grose River

Bikeride Mt Blackheath & Hanging Rock, Blackheath - 16 Jan 2022

After what seemed like weeks of wet weather, the day of the ride began with dry blue skies and the rare sight of a golden orb in the sky. I am told this is known as the sun.

We warmed up our legs on the more forgiving part of the ride out to Mount Blackheath, then headed in the opposite direction on our way to hanging rock.

This area had been affected by the fires and it was encouraging to see all the new greenery especially in the valley. 

Hanging Rock

Looks flat doesn't it?
Bg smiles and jelly legs

Thanks to Bec and Alison for joining me on this jolly jaunt and apologies for forgetting to take happy snaps at mount blackheath. 🤦🏻

Cheers, Olga

Staples Lookout to Girrakool, Central Coast - 8 January 2022

Wentworth Falls Lake -  18 Dec 2021

Lawsons Long Alley to Lockyers Rd, Mt York - 11 Dec 2021

Furber stairs to Ruined Castle - 4 Dec 2021

Relive 'Furber Stairs to Ruined Castle'

The Bloody Long Walk - Palm Beach to Manly - 35km

Rachael, Angela D, Vee and Fiona B


The route (with lots of comfort stops)

The weather forecast (~10-25mm per hour, every hour)

The Bush Lemons team at the starting point in Palm Beach. Fiona demonstrating her headwear style 

Avalon Beach with Bilgola Head in the background. 7kms down and feeling quite sodden; time for a chemist stop and coffee #1.

Mona Vale Beach - White-out! 15kms down, Checkpoint 3, with friendly marshalls giving out fruit and lots of encouragement. Angela was mistaken for a volunteer marshall in her yellow jacket.

The water jump!

Lunch stop at North Narrabeen, coffee #2. Thanks to the wonderful café owners who did not mind all our dripping gear. Rachael pulling a sad and wet face. Time to apply warm, dry socks. Vee’s bee socks did not go unnoticed. 

After several more kms, lots more rain, feet checks, and spirited conversations with other walkers (including the Mito Minions, and one very inspiring member with a prosthetic leg), we made it to Manly.

Elated, relieved and feeling proud of our achievement. Thanks to Angela and Sam for the early ride to the start, thanks Fiona for the carpooling home.  Thanks gals – it was a great team effort. Rachael

Saturday, 26 June - Fortress Ridge & Darks Cave

Fortress Ridge is a fairly easy and accessible walk out to one of the best views over the Grose Valley.  20 of us from Bush lemons and Bandanna Social Lesbians were lucky enough to do this walk on a sunny, though slightly blustery, day.  

Although affected by the bushfires, there is much evidence of recovery and new growth.

11 of us then continued on for the second part of the walk to Darks Cave, a gorgeous cave used by the Dark family as their holiday home decades earlier.  The gully in which it is located was not affected by the fires and it is full of birds, plants, a gurgling creek and a beautiful hush.


Thanks to all those who came on this walk, to Stevie and Bandanna Social Lesbians, to Anne for some photos, to those who helped carpool, and to those who came to the lovely dinner at The Bunker on the Friday night. Jocelyn

Saturday, 19 June - Palm Beach to Narrabeen

It was understandable that numbers were small on this walk, considering the forecasted gale winds and heavy rain, but we were very lucky with the weather.  Palm Beach was gorgeous as always.

There was road walking, tracks over headlands and pathways next to beaches.  And because of the huge swell the waves were extraordinary - we could have watched them for hours.

The walk took 5 hours and yes at the end the rain had started, but it just made the walk more action packed.

Nothing like a hot drink to finish off a bracing walk. Jocelyn

Saturday, 2 June - Porters Pass & Centennial Glen, Blackheath

It was a blustery winter's day for our walk in his lovely historic area of Blackheath.  Under foot was still wet from melted snow, but the views were sublime and the company wasn't too bad either.

We accessed Corona Point via a rockclimbers track to take in the view and enjoy morning tea.

Then it was onto Centennial glen, the lovely waterfall, lunch at Walls Ledge, and then the return walk back up.

Prue uploaded one of her wonderful videos of the day onto our Facebook page.  Thanks all for coming along in crisp conditions!  Jocelyn

Sunday, 7 June - Bike ride Lawson

Once again Mother Nature provided a beautiful day to play in the great outdoors 

 7 Lycra clad lemons tackled a sweet little single track loop in Lawson

Pumped and rearing to go we all dismounted to make a tricky decent 😅

Our first mechanical incident only 5 minutes in had us in pit lane.... wheels off, tubes flying, pumps pumping.  A world record tube change after a nasty pinch flat saw us back on the trail in no time

Some tight switchbacks tested our skills and balance.

It was discovered that an outburst of expletives was an effective method to stay upright in tricky situations. Pedalling with perseverance found us all to quickly at the end of the loop and heading to the nearest cafe for coffee and pastries

Thanks to all  for making the effort to join this Bushlemons ride and add some extra joy to the weekend!! 

 Also like to thank to the Photographers Rachael and Kate. And for the IT support for this techno challenged report writer

 Wheely appreciate it 😅  Olga

Saturday, 22 May -Narrowneck, Katoomba

What a way to start a walk, with us seeing the rare and elusive Narrowneck Phantom Falls!

10 of us started off on Narrowneck, with 3 doing a 'lite' version of the walk.  It was the perfect day for this walk as initially we had the foggy valleys and once it lifted we could see forever.

Lunch was at Clear Hill at the end before we strode back.  Thanks to all for their photos and company. Jocelyn

Saturday, 15 May - Lawson Waterfall circuit - evening walk

7 Lemons thought it would be a good idea to walk around a waterfall circuit in the dark, on the coldest day of the year so far - and it was so worth it! We started the walk in the late afternoon, and enjoyed getting away from the cold wind as we descended to the first of the waterfalls. We were there in time to see it in daylight and enjoy how clear the water was. There is still a lot of water in the creeks following the recent heavy rains, so all the waterfalls are flowing and can be heard echoing through the bush. Its magic to walk beside the creeks and through the bushland at twilight, with very little human noise and the sound of babbling water to keep us company. We enjoyed the muddy sections, occasional wet feet (did I mention how clear the water was) and the beauty of exploring the area by torchlight. The highlight came at the very end of the walk, at Cataract Waterfall when we all turned off our headlights and waited… to be greeted by the twinkling lights of the glow worms as they put on their show. Standing under a damp rocky ledge and looking up, it was like seeing the night sky but with totally different constellations. While their light is so bright, we couldn’t see them when we turned on our torches and tried to find them - they must be so tiny. A fantastic walk and with good company - a perfect way to spend a Saturday evening!

Saturday, 15 May - Mt Victoria Falls to Pierces Pass

9 of us braved the sleet and wind and had a lovely walk through the Grose Valley.  The regeneration after the fires is going well and the waterfalls, creek and river were beautiful.  The track down to Burra Korain has had a lot of good work put into it. We had morning tea near Burra Korain, where the creek joins the Grose River.


The walk along the river is lovely, with the escarpment towering above.  We soon reached where the Pierces Pass track heads up to the escarpment and through lovely rainforest.

Many thanks to Liz, Olga and Ursula for helping with cars early on the chilly morning.  Jocelyn

Saturday, 1 May - Kedumba Pass, Wentworth Falls

Eleven of us descended down Kedumba Pass and luckily the fog lifted from the valley. 


We stopped for morning tea along the way before checking out the wonderfully restored Maxwells Hut.

We then lunched by the river before we walked back up the pass. 

 This valley is such a beautiful treasure, full of animals and birds.  We may do another overnight walk down here soon. Jocelyn

25 year anniversary weekend - 23-25 April

What a way to bring in our 25 years!!!  40 women gathered at the lovely Wollemi Common for workshops, games, talks around the firepit, wonderful food, incredible desserts, drumming, the amazing olympics (full of sleeping bag stuffing, timed tent erections, boot throwing, captain ball and tunnel ball) - organised by sports mistresses Anne, Ange and Sharron.  

Saturday night was full of music, speeches, stories, and a brilliant and funny skit (I still haven't stopped laughing).  On Sunday there was a great attempt at recreating Renoir's painting, Luncheon of the Boating Party.  Many thanks to Prue for her filmmaking skills (see her olympic games & painting recreation films on our Facebook page).

Winning tunnell ball team (missing Vee)

What a wonderful time we all had during the weekend.  Many thanks to all those who helped, washed up and cleaned up.  Many, many thanks to Anne, Sharron and Max for being such a wonderfully easy organising group!! We may make this camp at Wollemi Common a yearly event.  Thanks Lemons. Jocelyn 

Saturday, 10 April - Furber Stairs to Giant Staircase

18 Lemons visited the Sculptures at Scenicworld Exhibition after descending down Furber Stairs (with one Lemon taking the Railway).  The sculptures were lovely in their perfect setting in the rainforest and viewed from the boardwalk. 

This answers the question of how many Lemons you can get in an old railway car!

A familiar scene for anyone who has done an overnight walk with us

We then walked on the Federal Pass past the bottom of Katoomba Falls to where the group split up to tackle the Giant Stairs through longer, shorter or quicker options.

It was a beautiful day for such a lovely walk and thanks to everyone who came along.  

Thanks also to Ange for sharing her artwork with us, which seems to have started encouraging other items of underwear to come out!  Jocelyn

Friday, 12 March - Monday 15 march - Kanangra to Katoomba (50km)

8 Lemons left Kanangra Walls very early on Friday after being safely delivered by our drivers, Sharron and Sue - thank you girls!  Even though the plateau was covered with mist, it was still beautiful.

The Pass off Kanangra

Pink flannel flowers

Once down the pass and off the plateau we stopped for morning tea at Crafts Wall and then steadily climbed up Mt Berry, High & Mighty, Rip, Rack, Roar, Rumble and eventually Mt Cloudmaker herself!

Morning tea stop

The Summit team on Cloudmaker!

Immediately after Cloudmaker the track conditions changed.  We had been expecting some difficulty in following this track since the bushfires and were prepared with a navigation device.  It was just as well as weeds, grasses and saplings now covered the area and we only occasionally saw the track. Shortly after leaving the summit one of our party had a bad fall and did an injury to her leg. Initially it was thought it could have been a break, but after first aid was applied and the contents of her pack split and carried by the rest of us, she was able to continue to Dexs Creek where we camped the night.

Dexs Creek had lots of available water

The next morning we set off to again find the track fully overgrown, so we had to navigate every step.  It was an exhausting day, but beautiful scenery (when you could see over the weeds & saplings!).  We had been leapfrogging with a solo walker (Garry) who found the track conditions equally challenging and asked to tag along with us.  He stayed until we were well along Narrowneck on the last day before thanking us, complimenting our team and bidding us farewell.  

Such a long, exhausting day full of bushbashing and navigating!  There were numerous falls since we couldn't see where we were putting our feet, and the descent down Mt Strongleg was particularly trying.  It could not have been done without Angela's calm navigating skills and everyone trusting that we would reach Coxs River eventually.  What a bloody good bunch!!!  And of course laughs kept us going, such as when we discovered that Olga and Rachael were actually twins.

  The swim in one of the creeks next to our campsite late that afternoon was bliss!!

The next morning we had to cross the creek twice and then the Coxs River, and Rachael showed off her piggybacking prowess to ensure that Sharon's wounded leg did not get wet.  Another team effort!

Clearly Angela didn't get the email about which direction to go

After successfully reaching the other side of the Coxs River, we then started the long ascent up Yellow Pup Ridge in the rain.  It took awhile and then we continued along the sometimes visible track towards Mobbs Swamp/Soak, where thankfully we were able to take shelter in the cave here to warm up and dry out!

The perfect cave on a wet and cold day!

So that everyone could camp where they wanted to, we left 2 walkers at the cave to have the óvernight in a cave' experience (complete with Agile Antichinus), whilst the rest of us walked onto Medlow Gap for our last night.


Thankfully our last day dawned sunny and bright and when our 2 cave campers joined us we started the ascent up Mt Debert and to Taros Ladders.

The group cleverly engineered the best and safest way to get all our packs to the top (oops! sorry about the Jetboil, Erin!), and had a lot of fun whilst doing it!

Rachael and our good mate, Garry

After clambering the rest of the way up to Clear Hill, we lunched and then did our #FedUp #EnoughisEnough performance!

Then it was the long slog back along Narrowneck to the locked gate and cold drinks from the esky in my car!!!!

Here's to a wonderful bunch of walkers!

The best thing about walking in the wilderness is that you have to handle anything that happens yourselves, and that is exactly what we did....from navigational challenges, to injuries, wet & cold weather, sharing the load, working out problems, making decisions as a group!  Well done Lemons 

27 February Grand Canyon Loop Blackheath

6 lemons started the descent into the Grand Canyon from the Evans lookout end - rain jackets were soon discarded. 

It was a hot muggy morning and the canyon was totally beautiful. We were all very glad we had started early as the tourists were thin on the ground.

Easy to forget how beautiful this walk is – no wonder there are so many people. With all the rain we have had lately there was lots of water and waterfalls and the spiders webs were magnificent.


After having morning tea under a huge overhang we headed back up. We certainly came up with some great ideas for the anniversary weekend….

Thank to those who came and for sharing your pics. Anne


Saturday, 21 February - Spit to Manly

The weather forecast had not looked good for this walk, but it turned out perfectly.  It's such a gorgeous and picturesque walk and because of the forecast it meant not so many people as usual were out. Lovely swims and company.

Thanks to those who came along.  It was so nice to have a walk without rain!! Jocelyn

Sunday, 14 February - 6 Foot Track to Coxs River

 The Coxs River is beautiful with its granite boulders and rushing waters.  We had a lovely walk down to a quiet swimming hole just past Bowtells Swing Bridge, away from the madding crowds.  The water was perfect for swimming and ideal for a leisurely lunch spot.

The walk back took us a little longer and we enjoyed the views and critters along the way.

Thanks to those who came along for this leisurely stroll. Jocelyn  

Sunday, 7 February - Combined kayak with Nomads, Pittwater

24 kayakers and 7 yachtswomen joined forces for our day in the sunshine.  

The kayakers started at Bayview and circled Scotland Island before checking out Lovetts Bay & lovely Salvation Creek.

We lunched in Lovetts Bay where we met the yacht skippered by Fiona, and there was much eating and swimming!

The yacht took off for a jaunt up Pittwater whilst the kayakers enjoyed the challenge of the headwind on our trip back to Bayview.

Thanks to the Lemons and Nomads who attended and to Kate and Janene for leading us, and to those who shared their photos. Jocelyn

Saturday, 6 February - Snorkelling, La Perouse

The Lemons had a wonderful day near Bare Island at La Perouse.  Rachael had chosen 2 good spots for us to explore, full of sea sponges, varieties of fish, an octopus that fell in love with Angela (or perhaps it was Angela's flipper).  It rained a bit but it didn't matter since we were in the water.  After lunch most of us retired to a local cafe for lunch. Thanks to Rachael and Meg for their expertise and to those who came along and also shared their photos! Jocelyn

Angela's adoring octopus

Chart of local fish

Spot the Flathead

Sunday, 31 January - Gladstone, Lindemans & Copelands Pass

Well if its a wet day you may as well be out in the bush where the rain makes everything magical.  We descended down historic Gladstone Pass which is just beautiful.

We then arrived at the junction with Lindemans Pass and followed it along the bottom of the cliff line.  There were a few new landslips and waterfalls.

Then we arrived at the rock cairn which indicated the Copelands Pass track and the fun began with lots of scrambles and hauling ourselves up by ropes.

And if you wonder what we looked like after all this activity with the wet, mud, occasional leech,and mist......I think we all looked pretty tough and happy!

Although on closer examination, I was a bit mucky!

Thanks to the great Lemons who came along and those who shared their photos too. Jocelyn

Saturday, 23 January - T3 Walk from Mountain Lagoon to Colo River

Yes, it was a hot day, but what a beautiful area to spend it in.  We cut out the dirt road walking so as to limit our time out in the sun and the highlights certainly were the wilderness area and the magnificent Colo River.

We played, frolicked and laughed in the river, we caught the current down from the nearby small rapids, and we lunched in the shade on the banks of the river.  I was too busy enjoying the river to take many photos!

But what goes down must go back up and it was not without its challenges.  Everyone looked after each other admirably.

Thanks so much to all those who came along and to those who shared their photos.  What a day!!! Jocelyn

Saturday, 9 January - Vera & Hippocrene Falls, Wentworth Falls

21 of us enjoyed the first Lemons walk of the year - Wentworth Falls to Vera & Hippocrene Falls and Valley of the Waters.  Although more people have been walking the Vera Falls track, it is still quieter than some others. Wentworth Falls were majestic in their splendour and Slacks Stairs a quick way to the bottom!

After morning tea we then descended down along the creek and through the beautiful trees to firstly Hippocrene Falls and then Vera Falls for lunch.  One brave (or foolhardy) Lemon went in for a splash under the falls!

After lunch it was up and up and we did hit the crowds through the Valley of the Waters but it didn't take away from our wonderful experience lower in the valley.

Thanks to all those who came and those also who shared their photos.  It was such a treat. Getting away and into the bush and nature with a bunch of women is what it's all about! Jocelyn

Saturday, 19 Dec - Euroka and Nepean River

So our Plan A was Erskine Creek, but with the road closed due to a miniscule amount of water over it, we came up with Plan B - the Euroka Clearing track and Nepean River.  Thanks to Prue for one of her wonderful videos....

Saturday, 5 Dec - Tinpot, Coxs River, Breakfast Creek

This track is always a good challenge.  Due to the impact of this year’s bushfires, it has areas where the track is even more difficult to find due to the influx of some weeds.  But the Chestnut Quail, Golden Whistlers, Sea Eagle, black snake, echidna, axe grinding grooves, views, gorgeous Breakfast Creek, flowers, all made it very worthwhile.  I'll let the photos do the talking....

Thanks to those who came along for the walk!  Jocelyn

Saturday 28 November - Wentworth Falls Lake

The scheduled walk to Ripple Rock on Fortress Ridge was cancelled due to the hot conditions, so instead we did the Wentworth Falls Lake walk followed by swimming, a picnic and kayaking.  Thanks to Prue for her lovely video below:-

Saturday 22 November - Nature Trail Wentworth Falls

7 Lemons headed out on a slow explore of this lovely track on Saturday morning. We started at the Conservation Hut and headed out on the easy flat section which allowed us to get our eyes working so we could see the wonders that surrounded us. The bush is subtle and as we slowed down we could see the wonders everywhere.

We must have seen at least 30 different flowers – most of them purple! Plus the cream pom pom of the Soft Leaf Mimosa tree and  the iconic Mountain Devil. The views and rock formations along the way are fantastic too.

We found a beautiful little swimming hole that I had on good authority was “very refreshing”. The Empress Canyon is gorgeous but we passed so many canyoners I do wonder how it copes – another example of our resilient bush.

It is a bit of a climb back to the Conservation Hut but we all made it safe and sound.

Thanks to everyone who came along. Anne

Saturday, 7 November - Macro Lems Street Art

It was a great turnout with nine of us taking to the streets of Newtown, poised and ready to snap the plethora of art surrounding the area. The precarious weather did cast some doubt on some Bush Lemons, hence choosing to take a raincheck for now…..pardon the pun!

After a few technical issues, we were able to secure a group photo.

Thanks to Norma and Rachael who provided commentary on the local area, in addition to taking us to some beautiful areas for more Macro Lems photo opportunities.

Norma was able to direct us to this beautiful spot which is like a mini version of the streets in Grafton when the jacas are in full bloom.

From this point, some Lemons started to make their long journey home while the rest of us finished off at the Sydney Park brick kilns and chimneys. Poppy

Sunday, 8 November - bike ride Blackheath to Pt Pilcher, Medlow Bath

Once again ladies it was a perfect day to be out on two wheels (sometimes one 😱).

The early cloud kept away the intense hum of the cicadas so we were able to prattle as we pedalled.

At the halfway mark of Point Pilcher we had the added bonus of not only a great view, but the presence of an ah-teest 

After a drink and snack we mounted up with the incentive of a fine coffee at the finish line.

Tete de la course on the race to coffee

The peloton

And as promised... some beautiful Waratahs doing what they do best 😁 blooming!

And lastly... dodgy deals in the carpark ... what is this world coming to?

Thank you ladies for making the effort to join me on this lovely ride. For enhancing the experience with your tales, mirth and tenacity to the end.  Great day! Olga

Fri, 23 Oct - Sun, 25 Oct - Six Foot Track

Despite the uninspiring weather forecast, 5 plucky Lemons decided to throw caution to the winds and do the Six Foot Track anyway. Many thanks to Sharron and Sue for driving us out to Black Range Camp.  Friday's walk was leisurely and Black Range Campsite was lovely to spend our first night, complete with swooping Magpie and wallaby.

The next day it was an early start with the first 8km along the fire trail with orchids, flowers, and butterflies spied.

Caper White butterflies

We paused at the shelter of Alum Creek Campground for lunch before pushing on up the hills to reach the Coxs River Campground.  

We did manage to talk Ange into not taking the tour operator's esky & other items here 

Liz and her trusty umbrella

We had been pre-warned by some other walkers about the party atmosphere by a group here, so after refilling our water we decided to walk on and camp up near the swing bridge.


The bridge was a tad slippery in the wet weather

However, after another Lemon joined us and due to the very wet conditions, we decided to walk out to Megalong Road rather than wait till the following even wetter day.  This added 8km to our already long, wet day, but everyone rose to the challenge magnificently!  Thanks to Olga for walking in with full pack to meet us, and then walking out swiftly with us!  We were out at Megalong Rd by 7.15pm.

At the top of the last hill!

This was also the last of our walks totalling 100km for Trek for Timor.  Thanks to those who participated.  It's not too late to make a donation:  Jocelyn

 Jamison & Kedumba Valley camp, Fri 16 - Sun, 18 October

9 of us walked into the Jamison Valley and camped at the gorgeous Kedumba Valley Campground.  We were incredibly lucky with the weather as it only rained briefly on Saturday night.  Kangaroos, goannas, 1 black snake, games, swimming, the earliest and longest bird chorus ever, painting, drawing, exploring, and early morning special sightings of a platypus!  30km of walking was wonderful.  Thanks so much to all who came, and Prue for the lovely video below which encapsulates the joy of the walk & weekend. Jocelyn

Prue's video of our walk/camp

Sunday, 11 October - Macro Lems at Scheyville National Park

9 Lemons ventured back in time to explore the historical and natural features of Scheyville National Park near Pitt Town in the Hawkesbury.

This site has been a farm training school for young men predominantly from England in the early 1900s; a post World War II migrant camp in the mid 1900s and an officer training school for the Australian Army during the Vietnam War (to name just a few).

There remains a number of buildings and structures from these uses, many of them falling into dereliction. 

Surrounding the National Park Area Office are gardens with a variety of native plants.

 The usual conclusion to any good Macrolems session is a coffee and chat - Pitt Town provided the perfect shady spot in the garden of the 1826 Scots Presbytarian Church (as the cafe was full!).  Vicky

Saturday, 3 October - LittleZigzag, Reinits Pass, Mt Piddington

This 10km walk covers a lot of interesting areas in Mt Victoria, caves, waterfalls, rainforest areas, views into Kanimbla Valley.  18 Lemons and 5 dogs enjoyed this walk.  Prue threw together a wonderful video for us, but unfortunately I couldn't upload it (it's on our Facebook page instead). Enjoy the photos. Jocelyn

Dog portage
Safely in Mum's arms

Sunday, 27 Sept - Pisgah Rock, Erskine Creek, Blands Pool

Erskine Creek is a magical area.  It is accessed from Glenbrook and the exciting descent and ascent at Pisgah Rock.  

And then there is the gorgeous creek flowing over rocks, creating natural pools and little waterfalls everywhere.

Blands Pool itself

Needless to say there were a few swims!  And the treats didn't stop there.....orchids, and the last few hundred metres back at the top we came across a grove of Woody Pear trees, Donkey Orchids, and a shy pair of Glossy Black Cockatoos!

Woody Pear Tree

Beautiful day and lovely company.  Thanks to the 8 women who came along, and Liz for her car. Jocelyn

The adventurous bunch!

Saturday, 26 Sept - Wentworth Falls Lake

Seven Lemons enjoyed a very nice meander around Wentworth Falls Lake on Saturday.  Somehow, we managed to turn a one-hour walk  into 2.5 hours! Although it was windy and cold, the Lake was a treat and there was plenty to see. We were all surprised at how full the lake was, with water lapping over the spillway next to the bridge. Spring has really brought out the contrasts between the bushland and the cultivated gardens. With flowers everywhere, it was the majesty of the waratahs that really captivated us. There is now a coffee van (Love Bites) parked beside the Lake most days, so it was easy for us to have a very good Covid-safe coffee in the park afterwards. I have it on good authority that the Reuben sandwich was the “best ever”! Hope you enjoy the shots, and my apologies for not getting one of the group - I promise, there really were 7 of us!  Sharron

Can you spot the bird?

Mama duck and her ducklings

Just in case the ducks went for a walk....

Spring was everywhere

Not quite warm enough for a swim

Saturday, 19 Sept - Gerringong to Kiama Coastal Track

It was great to share the Coastal Track with eleven Bush Lemons on Saturday.

Contrary to the forecast, we had great weather. Cloudy and humid to start, followed by periods of sunshine and warmth.

Morning tea was on one of the headlands with great views and a couple of squadrons of Pelicans gliding overhead. 

Lunch was under the shade of a Coral Tree on Easts Beach, followed by sightings of whales breaching out to sea. 

At the Kiama Lighthouse we then finished the walk with a refreshing swim in the Rockpool.

Thank you all for your lovely company and for making the trip down south. Fran

Saturday, 5 Sept -Ngula Bulgarabang Regional Park

Our very talented Lemon filmmaker, Prue, threw together this video of today's walk (best watched on Full Screen).  Although initially it seems the photogenic poodle is hogging the limelight, thankfully enough screen time is given to the bushwalkers and the joyous labrador. Thanks Prue and everyone who came along today! Jocelyn

Sunday, 30 Aug - Walls Lookout

It was a small group that completed the Walls Lookout walk on 30.8.2020 to continue capturing the regrowth and recovery of the bush following the dreadful fires last summer. Under a sparkling blue sky the walk out took far longer than the walk back. It may have been the number of photo stops on the way to the lookout or perhaps it was the allure of a coffee that hurried the walk back!

 The bush continues to recover and last month when I did this walk there were no birds at all. But there were a few seen and heard today.


Thanks for the great company and look out 'Macrolemers', between the three of us we have come up with a few ideas for future walks. Vicky

Sat, 29 Aug - Fortress Rock & Darks Cave

This lovely walk is 8 km along Mt Hay Road and is then a relatively short walk to Fortress Rock and the beautiful views over the Grose Valley.

Lemons down on Fortress Rock
Lemons down on Fortress Rock

Darks Cave is getting more visitors now that people can even find it's location on google maps.  But this doesn't take away from its atmosphere, and the gully it is situated in is gorgeous.


Our very own Darks Cave expert. Lizzie, giving us a talk over lunch 

We then walked over to Fortress Ridge and ended up admiring the view from Ripple Rock

Thanks to everyone who came along and those who helped with cars out to the start.  Such a lovely way to spend a beautiful day in great company. 

And last but not least, there's always one Lemon who decides to go too close to the edge and has to be hauled back....

Sunday, 2 August - Great Mackerel to West Head

Sue's picturebook bushwalk report:-


5 August 2020 Birdwatching Minni Haha Falls Katoomba

12 Lemons headed out in search of a bird
Where whistles 'n' bells, sweet songs could be heard.
With binoculars raised and ears tuning in
To Minni Haha we headed let the watching begin
The slow graceful flight of the Black Cockatoo
New Holland Honeyeaters – there’s always a few.
Crimson Rosellas – the call of the bell
The Red Wattlebird has more of a yell.

And then there’s the littlies, the cute Pardalote,
The Eastern Spinebill looks good in its coat.
The Brown Thornbill tweets, is tiny and plain.
Had trouble finding the Tree Martin's name.

The birds were all active – chasing each other,
Preening and singing – finding their lover.
The Kookaburra laughed in the old gum tree
The Grey Shrike Thrush sang – especially for me.
Minnihaha was full – right up to the brim
One brave Bush Lemon just jumped right on in!
As we left the bush and headed for tea
Dronus Irritatus was a buggar to see.

With hot drinks in hand and blueberry muffin
A nice little walk – no huffin and puffin
Just as we left there were sprinkles of rain
I like this bird watching let’s do it again.

Thanks to Tessa, Lesley, Vicky and Jocelyn for photos and to Jocelyn for muffins, Kaye for chocs

Other birds seen but not rhymed: White Throated Treecreeper, Superb Fairy Wren, Currawong, Little Wattlebird, Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, duck, bird of prey.

Anne xx

Saturday, 8 August - Roberts Pass & Lindemans Pass

After a number of cancellations due to the possible wet conditions, it was 6 Lemons who tackled Lindemans Pass. We started off in sun and only had a brief shower during the day, so perfect walking conditions.  

Roberts Pass descends below Moya Point and is accessible from the Fairmont Resort. After the short descent we soon turned off onto Lindemans Pass.

The track has had more people walking on it over the years so its therefore easier to follow, but we didn't see another soul on it!  The waterfalls were many and gorgeous.

There have been lots of large landslips over the last 6 months, which were pretty shocking.


We had morning tea at Dash Cave and lunch a beautiful ampitheatre near the bottom of Gordon Falls

And then it was a matter of getting to the end of the Pass and walking up all the stairs to finish at the top of the cliff near Solitary Restaurant.

Thanks to those who came along with their sense of adventure, thanks to Anne for helping with cars, and thanks to those who shared their photos.  What a hidden treasure this track is! Jocelyn

Fri, 24 July - Sat, 25 July - Overnight camp past Medlow Gap

Lemons at start

We decided to modify this weekend walk to 1 night due to the forecasted rain and possible thunderstorm.  So we decided to leave Splendour Rock for another weekend and aimed to camp in between Medlow Gap and Mobbs Swamp. 2 Lemons joined us for the walk to the end of Narrowneck.

After a short rest at Clear Hill we then descended down the pass and had morning tea at Mt Debert.

Some small adjustments were made to Erin's boot to stop blisters 

There was quite a lot of water in the creeks before Mobbs Swamp, so we ended up choosing a site near an existing firepit, and collected water from the nearby creeks. The fires earlier this year had affected this area which was sad to see, but it was still beautiful and birds were around, and we heard  a possum (presumably!) in the night.

Pauline adds emergency blankets to her inner tent before adding the fly as an ingenuous way of keeping warm 

It was a cold night, and for some also sleepless, so hot drinks at the fire in the morning were very restorative.  We of course ensured the fire was totally out, using both water and dirt, and were thankful to not be packing up in wet.  Then it was a lovely walk back.

Liz with Mt Mouin behind

Patient Pauline whilst I make a mountain out of a molehill

Thanks so much to those who came along on a lovely short break out in the bush. I will hopefully re-schedule Splendour Rock on the next calendar. Jocelyn

Sunday, Hat Hill Road Blackheath

8 chilled Lemons enjoyed a blustery exploration followed by a good leg stretch along Hat Hill Road today. We started before the crowds descended at the car park right next to Hat Hill itself, and walked to the top to get a good view over the fire ravaged valley. There’s such a stark contrast between the ribbons of bright green hanging swamp and the deeply burned ground where, even after 8 months, there’s still little sign of regeneration.

 The area has some wonderful pagodas and we explored a couple before heading down to walk out along the fire trail towards Perry’s Lookdown. Here again, we were surprised by totally untouched trees standing by themselves, next to their burnt and just-recovering neighbours. 

 A few of us enjoyed a takeaway coffee on the streets of Blackheath before heading off to enjoy the rest of the day. Sharron

Lemons at the top of Hat Hill

The burn-line on the far hill shows how quickly the fire turned, leaving devastation alongside unburned bushland

Looking across to a deeply burned hillside

Beautifully physically-diistanced Lemons

Saturday 18 July Devils Hole /. Nellies Glen Circuit

11 Lemons enjoyed the very crisp clear winter’s day to do the Devils Hole/Nellies Glen circuit.

Must have been a lot of people with the same idea as the carpark at the start of the 6ft track was full to overflowing! Luckily most were doing a different track so we had the track pretty much to ourselves.

After walking through the bush, we had a short road walk before a quick side trip to my
new find: a gorgeous little pagoda/overhang/cave. 

We then headed into Devil’s Hole. It is a spectacular pass and “the rock” never ceases to amaze. It is a pretty steep walk down.

Once down the pass we headed through the lush rainforest, 

stopping to have some morning tea. We were all glad to come out into the sun and we headed up the six foot track. 

We found a sunny spot for lunch and then headed up Nellies Glen and returned to the cars.

The walk leader was the only exhausted one!

Thanks to those all who came along in such good cheer and to Jocelyn, Sophie, Fran and Max for your photos. Happy winter walking – it is THE BEST!


Saturday, 11 July - Jamison Valley (Furber Stairs, Katoomba to Kedumba Pass, Wentworth Falls)

We extended this walk to start from Furber Stairs, which is a less crowded and nicer way into the valley I think, but it did mean that the walk was actually 22km - a very nice stretch of the legs. We started with the lovely descent down.

The face in Witches Leap

We then walked on Federal Pass to Leura Forest for morning tea.

The best thing about getting out in the bush when it has been wet is the way you see the bush and clouds like you haven't before.  Wetness enhances everything. The trees were amaaaazing.

The Sublime Point Firetrail is a lovely way to move through the valley and it has a couple of good hills! The lyrebirds were singing everywhere. We stopped for lunch at the second creek crossing, Jamison Creek.

And then it was the long hike up and up, past the Swine Line gate and uuuuuupp.

Thanks to everyone who came along, those Lemons who helped with cars at the end (Liz, Anne, Lesley S), those women who helped with a walker who had a painful hip, and Susan, Anne, Max, Lesley, Kate and Denise for their photos. 
The last word is Angela's (insert 24 instead of 20 though!). Jocelyn

Sunday,  5 July - Bike Ride to Point Pilcher, Medlow Bath

What a marvellous day for a ride!!  9 lemons layered up and leapt on their steeds for a pleasurable pedal to Point Pilcher.  Conditions were perfect and view did not disappoint 

Photo courtesy of Sally did that get in there?!

Velocipedes waiting patiently for their leggy lemons to ride them back to civilisation

Sorry no action shots this time and no before and after  shots either 🤦🏻‍♀️ But thank you to all who shared their photos

Special awards go out to Suprise arrivals 😉, those who  pushed on with lethargic legs and trying new trails. Sue for leading the charge to the point and finally for those that made the journey from places that exist further away than Lawson!! Whoda thought??

Happy Trails

 Thank you one and all for sharing this day in such an enjoyable way. Olga

Saturday, 4 July - Box Head, Bouddi National Park

Walking in the Bouddi National Park was a lovely change for the Lemons.  The bay, beaches, headlands, angophoras, sparkling sea, were all beautiful.

Dee shows us a beautiful rocky overhang before we walked out to the impressive view from Box Head, a beautiful soaring Sea Eagle, and then the scramble down to the rock platform and our break for morning tea.

We then walked along past Little Tallow Beach and onto Tallow Beach for lunch and some of us had swims in the very refreshing surf! It did raise the question of whether you can ever regret having a swim, no matter the water temperature.

Little Tallow Beach

Tallow Beach

Then it was onto the return walk back via the mountain bike track and around the bay.
One of the highlights of the walk for me was the variety of flora!

Many thanks to Dee for showing us such a beautiful part of the Central Coast, to Ali, Anne and Amy for some of the photos.  What a lovely walk! Jocelyn

Saturday, 27 June - Lower Porters Pass & Centennial Pass

It's always good to get away from the madding crowd and onto little used tracks, and this is one of those walks.  The track leaves the main track and descends down into a beautiful rainforest area.

We followed the little creek for a while before starting to ascend up to Centennial Glen, with its wonderful waterfall.

And of course the little canyon....

We then had lunch with spectacular views, not only of the beautiful valley but also of the rockclimbers.


We finished by doing Walls Ledge and watching an amazing 4 year old rockclimber, then it was coffee in Blackheath to finish.  Thanks to all the lovely Lemons who came along for this walk, and thanks to Fran and Ange for their photos. Jocelyn

Saturday, 20 June - Mt Victoria, old  chert railway/Kinderin Track

We had a lovely day in this little valley at Mt Victoria. We first of all walked down the cutting to where the incline railway left the escarpment edge.  There are still the old sleepers and metal bolts in evidence.

Then we walked around to Fairy Bower and the track which leads to the Kinderin Track.

As this track is not much used it can be a bit tricky navigating downed branches.  It is lush ancient rainforest with beautiful moss and fungi.  

On arriving at where the railway ended, we looked at the sidings, rock walls etc.

 Yee old Tab can

And lunched in the forest....

....before heading back the same way.  Thanks to all those who came along, and to Max and Carol for their photos.  A lovely walk for humans and dogs alike. Jocelyn

Saturday, 13 June 2020 - Hydro Majestic Pass to Megalong Valley
What a truly wonderful day for 15 Lemons to break out of their Covid19 harnesses and head out on a walk from Medlow Bath to the Megalong. This walk is best described through photos – it has it all:

Magnificent views

Old and exciting walkways established when the Hydro Majestic was THE place to go. Some Lemons even faced their vertigo demons and won!


Incredibly HUGE rock formations that reduce us to our real size (can you find the Lemons?)

A wonderful track that very slowly winds its way to the bottom through many different habitats.

And then there is the minitia –featuring a bowerbirds nest and fungi:

To top it off there is the usual Bush Lemons cheer and friendship.

After having a bite to eat down near the Megalong Tearooms (unfortunately they were not too welcoming - not even a takeaway coffee was allowed) the group split with 8 returning by car (Covid19 responsible of course!) to the top and 7 walking back.

Thank you to Jocelyn, Kate and Angela for your photos and Kate and Olga for car drop. Special thank you to the 3 new Lemons who came on their first walk.


Sunday, 31 May - Narrowneck Plateau, Katoomba

It was so good to be striding out with the Lemons again after 2 months of adhering to the isolation rules!!  Narrowneck is the perfect place for a good walk with views off both sides of the plateau.

We did the right thing and split into 2 groups of 9.  It was a shame the 2 groups couldn't socialise 😔but of course it was for the greater good.

Group 1
Group 2 - some were more assertive with their physical distancing
The weather was lovely, particularly when the sun came out in the afternoon, and there was a little breeze....but there always is on Narrowneck.  The groups lunch (separately) at the end and then we returned to the start.  It was very interesting to see so many areas on and off Narrowneck that were burnt in the summer fires, and also to see how little regrowth there is in some of the areas.

Burnt areas with no regrowth

And some with lots!
And we also got to see the rare Zieria Covenyi - Narrowneck is only one of two places in the mountains that this grows.

Thanks to all who came along for the walk, and lets look forward to the next one where we can socialise with all!  Thanks, Jocelyn

Saturday, 21 March - Wattamolla to Marley Head (rtn)

Seven Lemons met at Wattamolla for an exploration of the Royal National Park (RNP) coastline.

The advertised walk was one way from Bundeena to Wattamolla. But those plans were foiled firstly by City Rail Trackwork, then the absence of replacement Rail Bus service. And then finally, the knock-out punch was delivered by the new bus service in the RNP halving its 2-hourly service to 4-hourly.

So we modified the route & had a fantastic day!  We met at the Wattamolla car Park. Then walked north to the summit of Marley Head. There were 2 small creek crossings: Coote Creek & then Wattamolla Creek.

Lots of the track is now on boardwalks to minimise erosion of the fragile coastal scrub:

The weather & views were spectacular. Here is a photo of Marley Beach (looking south from Marley Head):

The tracks lead across large white sandstone cliffs:

It was fantastic seeing so much seepage & pooling. A welcomed sight after our dry summer:

We ate morning tea on the south point of Marley Beach. But the seas were too big for a swim there.

We swam at Little Marley Beach, then ate lunch. 

There is a very special place along the track:

Sue G. (Photo credits: Ali, Andrea & Fran)

Sunday, 22 March - Faulconbridge Point & Grose River

The upper Grose Valley is still closed due to the fires, but not the lower Grose Valley, so it was lovely to get into it.  The fire trail gets you out to Faulconbridge Point quite quickly, where you will see we took our social distancing seriously (note the tape measure!).

We then descended down through some lush areas to the gorgeous Grose River, which had clearly been cleansed with the torrential rain a while ago.

Most of us threw our clothes off and jumped straight it.  It was sublime!!!  The Grose has to be one of the best rivers to swim in. 

Then it was time for the climb and ascent back up - the climbing using the ropes it always fun!  For some (ie. me) the ascent was harder than for other's (ie. everyone else), but quite quickly we were back up the top.

And then it was just the stride out back along the fire trail to the cars. There was a swim for some afterwards.  Thanks to those who came along, and to Angela, Isobel and Anne for the photos.  Jocelyn

Sat, 7 March - Sun, 8 March - Ingar overnight walk

Ingar was always a lovely area when you could drive there, but now only walkers or cyclists can access it, it is much more beautiful and serene.

It took around 2.5 hours to walk in, and after setting up our tents a few of us jumped into the water and swam over to the waterfall.  It was cold but so beautiful and crisp and clean.  We rigged up an engineering masterpiece to keep us dry as we sat around a picnic table for dinner.

It was a peaceful night and the rain set in overnight which made for a soggy pack up the next morning and after a leisurely breakfast we made our way back up the road.

Thanks so much for everyone who came along to spend some time in this most beautiful area, undaunted by the wet.  Jocelyn

Saturday, 22 November - Blackheath fire grounds

After attending a very wet Climate Action Rally in Blackheath 7 Lemons took a walk through some fire affected bush near Blackheath. We headed out on a ridge off Ridgewell Rd where we have four wildlife feeding stations. We topped these up as we went.

It is amazing to see the bush regenerating after the fires. This area was not burnt by one of those wild ferocious fires but mostly was a control burn for a containment line. We took our time and examined the many different types of regrowth. Many of the fresh grasses and shoots we saw are not edible for the macropods.

The fires leave behind amazing tree sculptures.

After picnicing in the dry of Jocelyn’s house 9 of us did another short walk through pristine bush to keep the spirits up. The mist cleared just long enough for us to get a glimpse of the green and lush Megalong Valley.

Thanks to all those who came along including out 2 visitors from England and especially to Jocelyn for driving and opening her warm cosy house to us for lunch. Anne
Saturday, 15 Feb - Spit to Manly

14 of us (plus 4 dogs) had a lovely time in beautiful weather on the Spit to Manly. We had swims, stops for morning tea and afternoon tea, and lunch near Manly.  Thanks to everyone who came along for this most lovely walk.  Jocelyn


Saturday, 18 January - Centennial Glen & Porters Pass, Blackheath

Centennial Glen Canyon
It was so wonderful to be walking in the wet again!  Instead of looking parched and brown the landscape had colour, particularly the trees painted with water.  There were lots of birds out including a large pack of Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos.

This track is full of waterfalls, dripping escarpment, tree ferns, lushness, and the 10 Lemons and 4 dogs enjoyed it immensely.

We lunched under a dry overhang and then walked up Porters Pass before walking back to town via Fort Rock.  Thanks to all the women and dogs who came along to enjoy this beautiful and accessible area! Jocelyn

Sunday,  5 January 2020 - Palm Beach to Narrabeen

It was so good to have a big walk by the ocean!  Palm Beach is always lovely and we tried to decide which house we could afford to buy.  Our illusions were destroyed by the very long set of stairs and hills.  The views were sublime as we wandered along roads, bush tracks and beaches.

The route we walked was for Coastrek Sydney 2020, and you can just download their interactive map on your mobile to follow it.

We had stops for snacks and lunch, and tried to keep from getting wet feet from the waves on the beaches.  We finished at Narrabeen and a few of us had a blissful swim as a reward!  Thanks to everyone who came along on this adventurous jaunt.  Jocelyn

Saturday, 21 December - Kamay Botany Bay NP - Henry Head & Cape Banks circuit

Distance: 10km; Grade: M

The hardest thing about this walk was the heat. 34C forecasted for the city. But temperatures were not as severe near the ocean. There was smoke haze, but that was also minimised by the cooling on shore breeze.

Ten Lemons met at 8:30am in La Perouse. The plan was to walk anti-clockwise around the Henry Head & Cape Banks circuit. We set off across Congwong Beach & exited into bush. We then detoured down the Little Congwong Beach track. It ends at a pretty strip of sand, but this beach was populated by male nude bathers. So we headed back to the main track!

Walking up a hill, we enjoyed shade from remanent coastal scrub, & encountered our first military bunker on a crest. Feet tiring in the sandy track, we continued on to Endeavour Lighthouse on Henry Head. We investigated the WWII military bunkers here & watched skindivers below. Seas were calm, with the surge washing back & forth across the rock platform near the divers.

Continuing east we walked on a boardwalk. The plants here struggle against the strong coastal winds in very sandy soil. We were hot & sweaty when we arrived for morning tea & a dip at Cruwee Cove. On the positive side it was cool, wet & the cove was private. But it was low tide, so the channels were shallow between rocks, sea urchins & other scratching things. Fortunately, the only damage was 1 grazed elbow. 

Refreshed we headed up & around to Cape Banks

Cape Banks is the north head of Botany Bay. The headland is a large peninsula surrounded by Sydney’s trademark white sandstone cliffs.

It was easy to get down to sea level on the western side of Cape Banks. So we headed over to investigate the rusting hull of SS Minmi (wrecked in 1937. Read more at link).

Looking south we could see a container ship entering Botany Bay, & also Kurnell.
Climbing back up to the spine of Cape Banks:

We walked north along a graded road in scorching sun.

Very low scrub provided slithers of shade at the historic Coast Hospital Cemetery:

The cemetery contains headstones that date back to the early & mid 1880s. We doubled back to a sealed road & headed NW. And stopped for a final group photo in the shade of some towering Banksia trees with huge conical flower spikes:

There was more roadside walking before we again re-entered the bush (& shade) & walked back across Congwong Beach to our cars at La Perouse.
Thanks to all our Expedition Photographers: InesG, TraciA, NeridaP, WendyD, & TanyaC.
Sue G.

Saturday, 14 December - Paradise Pool, Linden

Paradise Pool is a unique and beautiful place.  5 Lemons participated in reasonable weather considering current conditions.
We had a lovely time, if you haven’t visited before we encourage you to do so.
The photos speak for themselves.  Thanks to all who came along! Erin

Saturday, 30 November - Mt Banks

This walk is all about the destination! The view from Banks Walls is spectacularly breathtaking, especially when leaning into the wind above a 500m drop to the Grass Valley below (I may be exaggerating, but only a little). 5 of us enjoyed a good leg stretch on the firetrail, stopping to admire the gorgeous white flannel flowers, red bottle brush, tiny beautiful blueberry ash flowers and many other botanical delights. We met a beautiful  Eastern Blue Tongue sunning itself in the middle of the track, and literally hundreds of tiny dragons scarpering away to avoid our heavy boots.

2 intrepid Lemons drove to Mt Banks the night before the walk and camped out under the stars. With no other campers and no clouds or lights, the star show was reportedly spectacular. 

Thanks to Susan for the photos, and to Slurps Cafe at Blackheath for the amazing coffee and dumplings after the walk. Sharron

Sunday, 1 December - Megalong Rd to Coxs River

Let's face it, this walk was all about getting to the river for a swim!  The Megalong Valley is so very dry now, and although the river height was down somewhat, it still has a goodly amount of water in it.

The water temperature was sublime and only 2 hours walk to get here.

We saw a large goanna coming back from having a drink from the river and I think I saw a white browed wood swallow which must have had its breeding plumage on - it was spectacular!  Thanks to those who came, Kay for some photos, and the Megalong Valley Tea Rooms for the wonderful Iced Coffees afterwards!  Jocelyn

Sunday, 23 November - 3 Sister & Leura Forest

Only 5 Bush Lemons took advantage of the perfect walking conditions to do the wonderful little Echo Point, Leura Forest, Giant Stairs circuit today. The mist was thick, thick and we started in glorious rain, so this usually very popular track was tourist free. Perfect!
Walking across the top we got to use our imaginations as the views were blank canvases.

As we headed down it was so good, given the recent heat wave, to walk in the cool with the sound of running water.

After a quick morning tea with our friendly currawong we had a silent walk through the beautiful Leura forest listening to the birds. After doing the giant stairs for the second time I now call them my favourite stairs out of the valley!

As we got closer to the top the mist closed in again and tourists appeared even though visibility was still poor - our timing was perfect.
Thanks to the BL who came along, it was fun.

Saturday, 16 November - Great North Walk, Cowan

After Friday night’s southerly blew some of the smoke haze out of Sydney city, 6 Lemons enjoyed perfect weather for this walk.  Departing from Cowan train station we took the Jerusalem Bay Track down into Ku-ring-gai NP. Forested & damp, the single track went eastward down to sea level. There was a long “Ah” as we gasped the first glimpse of the glinting water of Jerusalem Bay. Keeping the water on our right, we walked another couple of hundred metres before getting down to a lovely large slab of sandstone for a swim.

Words really can’t describe how beautiful these secluded bays of the Hawkesbury are. There is a timelessness seeping out of the bush & the still, calm water. Oyster shells around the waters’ edge needed to be avoided by bare feet. A midden reminded us that Aboriginal people had enjoyed the very same place many, many times. Yikes … our rock shelf was shrinking as the tide continued rising.

The single track continued around the bay, & then upwards over a series of ridges. Finally at the top, we commenced the 2nd half of the walk along a fire management trail. It is fairly exposed (ie not much shade). After a couple of km, we stopped for lunch under the trees overlooking the wide Hawkesbury River. Despite being high up & at least a mile from the river, there was a lovely cool breeze coming up to us as we ate.

We continued along the fire management trail, detouring into Brooklyn Dam, then descending finally into Brooklyn. The walk concluded with gelato & coffee at a welcoming café; a walk around Brooklyn Marina; & then waiting for the train whilst enjoying a stunning Hawkesbury River view from the Platform.

To give a balanced view, the negatives were: the 2nd half of the walk is a wide “management trail”; a quarter of the walk has noise pollution from the M1 motorway; the jet-ski; the tour-group jumping off a cliff into Jerusalem Bay.
But these really were tiny distractions to the camaraderie between the six of us, the idyllic swim, the bush in flower, sandstone & more sandstone! It was a wonderful day! Sue G.

Saturday, 9 November - Cowan to Brooklyn

Seven determined lemons headed for Berowra waters along a section of the great north walk. With a mix of ridge fire trails and steep descents we had our work cut out for us. The effort was well rewarded with wildflowers, a bit of botanising and a some spectacular views of the Hawkesbury river.

The weather was perfect and was the water temperature. ( note for next time... great swimming to be had). The ascent back up had us chris-crossing the valleys and ridges, each with changes in the wildflowers...even saw some pretty special orchids! 

We busted out at Berowra station where we said our goodbyes and had a hasty, well deserved ice Cream! Status for those who care: km= 15.06, 5.52 hrs, 4,845 KJ, 29,977 steps! AND we had fun! Vee

Saturday, 2 November - Erskine Creek to Pisgah Rock Track

What a beautiful walk!  We started the walk from the Pisgah Rock carpark, where it was short dirt road walk to the top of the Jack Evans Track.  It was a quite quick descent down to Erskine Creek where we had the first of many swims.

Walking along the creek was lovely and included some rock hopping, clambering, bush bashing and following some foot pads.

We lunched at the junction with Lincoln Creek and had a lovely last swim before we started our ascent up the Pisgah Rock Track, which includes a few scrambles up rocks!

Thank you to everyone who came along on a rather warm day for this great walk!  Many thanks to Olga, Fran and Pandora for their cars, and Anne and Angela for photos.  Jocelyn

Sunday, 27 October - 7 Bridges Walk

10 Lemons and 3 dogs tackled the 7 Bridges Walk in Sydney on a beautiful sunny day.

The 28km was broken up by regular bridges and villages along the way, and the good company kept us going!  Although the route is noisy and busy, there were some lovely bush pockets and great views.

Our team raised almost $2000 for the Cancer Council - Yay! Thank you to our walkers and to those who donated.  There's nothing like walking for a good cause.  Jocelyn

Saturday, 26 October - Ingar Picnic Area bike ride

On a morning of looming dark clouds, rolling thunder, sporadic precipitation and howling winds, 5 stoic lemons resolved their steel, put rubber to rock, and pedalled their way to Ingar campground.

Ok, the clouds, thunder and rain had abated by the time we were ready to push off, but mark my words, the wind remained!  Not long after our descent had begun it was time for an on trail lesson in repairing a flat tyre. Thank you Glenda.

Repairs complete, we forged ahead to the picnic area by the dam only to find the track was guarded by a fine specimen of black snake. Luckily it was camera shy and slithered away at our approach.

It’s a lovely picnic area with frogs “popping” loudly. There is an overnight camp here coming up in the calendar, keep an eye out for it.

Yabbies in the dam, spiders in the loo, lunch and chit chat done, back up the trail we flew.

The reduced pace of the climb out gave us the opportunity to appreciate the wide array of wildflowers in bloom.

As we finished the climb and came into the open heath, the wind blew so strong riders were pitched mercilessly from their velocipedes.

Unable to capture the actual incident, we did our best with a reenactment.... not an Oscar winning performance but thanks for giving it your all Kate.

Exertion complete, we made our way to a local cafe to enjoy coffee, cake and more good conversation. 

Thanks to everyone for not being discouraged by the early inclement conditions and coming along on this Bushlemons ride.

Saturday, 19 October - Maroubra to La Perouse

14 Lemons enjoyed spectacular spring weather last Saturday as we explored the least inhabited part of Sydney’s eastern beaches.

The walk commenced at Maroubra surf club. South Maroubra headland is home to the ANZAC Rifle Range. There is a track around the perimeter of the headland called Boora Point Walking Track. Unfortunately, on Saturdays [club shooting day] the only route past the rifle range is via the western walking track. Whilst this route is a lot shorter (1km), it took us upwards through eastern suburbs coastal scrub to a high point that gave us 360 degree views over the ocean & over to Botany Bay. A lot of this section of the walk is on a raised grid-type boardwalk to ensure that walkers don’t damage fragile vegetation & frog habitat. The seepage down the sandstone can pool underneath, etc. At the highest point, the boardwalk ends & the track leads across very large slabs of smooth, flat sandstone. It is gorgeous.

Along the eastern beaches, the scrub is very stunted & scratchy as it withstands the full, unrelenting blast of the salty winds & roots in sandy soils. Surprisingly, the Western Walking Track was opened as recently as February 2018 by Randwick Council. In doing so, public access of this area was allowed for the first time for 100 years.

We continued to walk down off the sandstone slabs, heading south east towards Malabar Beach.
We walked east along this Long Bay out & around its southern headland. Randwick Golf Club is located on this massive headland. We scouted around the very edge of the fairway. 

Golf ball hazards were forgotten as a whale was sighted out to sea. It wasn’t very far offshore - swimming southward to Antarctica. It was very exciting seeing a decisive spout of exhaled air. There was a light breeze & calm seas.

We cut down a narrow track towards Little Bay Beach, skirted the edge of the second golf course – The Coast Golf Course. The beach was already hot, with little breeze to cool us.

Onwards & up off the sand, around another large headland skirting more golfers teeing off. [St. Michael's Golf Club, 3rd]. Then eventually along a wider track towards the historic Coast Hospital Cemetery for morning tea & browsing the headstones.

Then onwards thru “Kamay Botany Bay National Park”. Past another very small pistol club (!) to Cape Banks. This is the most south, easterly point of this part of the coast. It is the north head of Botany Bay. The headland is up high on a sandstone platform surrounded by cliffs – windblown & stunning.

Throughout the walk there were at least 3 whale sightings. Perhaps the same pod, as we were also walking south. The 2 seal sightings were both false-alarms – skindivers close to the rock platform.  Rifles & pistols onshore, & spearfishermen in the waters of the National Park. The spearfishermen were searched by Fisheries officials as they walked up the track with us.

We continued westward thru bush & along cliffs tops skirting the eastern edge of the 4th golf club (NSW Golf Club), then down across the sand of Cruwee Cove. Back up thru the bush we arrived at the WWII bunkers littering Henry Head.

Now the track turns north west as we headed inside Botany Bay. Immediately, we could see a change in the vegetation. The scrub & trees were growing much higher & thicker inside the bay. Thankfully, the trees were now high enough to provide shade & shelter from the wind. There were also lots of Flannel Flowers blooming:

The walk crossed Congwong Bay’s beach & more beautiful orange sandstone slabs.

And, then up the stairs back to La Perouse. It was a fabulous adventure.
[Photo credits: Lissa S]. Sue

Saturday, 12 October - Mt Victoria Falls to Perrys Lookdown

Although the day was wet, we didn't really get much rain, but it did mean I had quite a few cancellations.  The bush was beautifully soaked and consequently looked lovely. 5 of us did this walk, with 2 walking down to the morning tea spot on the river and returning back up the same way.

At Victoria Falls Lookout

Top of Victoria Falls

How a tree treats a silly human sign
Bottom of Victoria Falls
The walk down via Victoria Falls zigzags nicely and is just beautiful and lush.  It takes around 90 mins to reach the Grose River in the valley.

From here you follow the track by the river all the way past the Pierces Pass turnoff, through the Little Blue Gum and then to the impressive Blue Gum Forest itself.  The bush has marvellous pockets of rainforest, ferns, vines that try and trip you up, and of course gorgeous trees and birds.

Olga & Kate recreating a scene from the lesbian shorts at last weekend's Queerscreen

The majestic Blue Gum Forest
We lunched in the Blue Gum and enjoyed the quiet and solitude and then started the long slog up Perrys Lookdown to the top.  It's always a good workout and the view reveals itself the higher up you go.

At the top - wet but happy!
Then it was onto a cafe to dry out and warm up.  I discovered that etiquette in a cafe means you cover the leech you have discovered on your hand to avoid small children screaming and grown men fainting, and dispose of it in an outside bush AFTER you have finished your coffee.

Coffee & cake rewards!
Thanks to those few brave souls who came along and enjoyed the challenge of wet nature.  A great walk. Jocelyn

Saturday, 28 September - Ruined Castle

On Saturday 11 luscious lemons loped along leisurely, laughing, loud and long.

What a magnificent spring day to be out walking in the gorgeous blue mountains. Everyone arrived on time - except for the walk leader who forgot to read her own email and had to be summonsed (as punishment she provided afternoon tea after the walk).

Our destination was the iconic Ruined Castle with its wonderful views, and stone architecture. We walked down the Golden Stairs and then on to the cool flat walk through rainforest and fernery. Birds were singing, wildflowers were blooming and lemons were chatting. We had a quick morning tea and then moved on to the scramble up the south east side of the castle. We all clambered up to the top and lunched on the large flat rock where we could take in the magnificent haze free views of the Jamison Valley.

 The walk back was uneventful and the climb up the stairs was well done by everyone.

This was a great walk we had: international visitors, first time walkers to the mountains, wildlife viewings including a snake, a Blac Rock Skink, but surprisingly no lyre birds (after I had promised them), plant recognition lessons and mountain climbing.

Thank you to the drivers - Olga, Vee and Lesley, photographers - Jocelyn, Lesley and Jeanette and thanks to everyone who came along in such good spirit. Anne

Saturday, 21 September - Six Foot Track in 1 Day

We started this 44km walk from Jenolan Caves at 5.30am.  It was lovely staying at Jenolan Caves House overnight as they have retained its olde world charm. We were serenaded by the dawn chorus as we left.

Only 3 of us undertook this walk as its a tad challenging to walk this distance with such ascents and descents in a day.  However, it is just downright cruel that one of the biggest ascent is right at the start.  We saw lots of birds and kangaroos along the way.

The water tank at Black Range Camp had been damaged, but luckily it wasn't too far to Alum Creek campground where we could pick up some more water.  The day had warmed up, but was still perfect for walking.

Just a bit further down this hill I tripped over my own big feet, skinned my knee and put my back out.  Owwwww!

After a quick bit of first aid we continued on for another quick break at Coxs River Campground.

Then it was onto the slog up towards Megalong Road.

At the 36km point on Megalong Road I departed to let Olga and Angela push on for the last 8km. They finished the 44km walk at 6pm. Way to go girls!!!!

Many thanks to Diane and Sharron for lifts and support on the Megalong Road and at the end.  Your blood is worth bottling! Jocelyn

Saturday, 14 September - 'Time to Fly' book launch

Thanks to everyone who attended Saturday's book launch.  It was a powerful event with few dry eyes.  Many thanks to all those who helped set up, pack up, provided the sumptuous food, Juls for taking the photos, the amazing Suze for her songs, Liz for organising the panel, Ursula, Lissa and Vicky for being on the panel and being so honest and open, Jude for speaking and doing the official launch, Anne for being Anne, Olga for almost selling out of the new BL buffs, all the authors who came, and all of you in the audience who came along for the rollercoaster of a ride.  If you don't have a book yet you can contact me to order one.  Jocelyn

Saturday, 14 September - Grand Canyon, Blackheath

The Grand Canyon is a very special place in the Blue Mountains and easy to access, and consequently has become a rather busy walk.  However, it doesn't take away from the unique beauty of the area.  13 of us did this walk in beautiful weather and it only took us around 3.5 hours.  The photos speak for themselves.  Thanks to all who came along! Jocelyn

Sunday, 8 September - Perrys Lookdown to Lockleys Pylon

6 of us disregarded the wind and descended down all the stairs into the Grose Valley from Perrys Lookdown and had morning tea on the beautiful Grose River.

Then it was the start of the ascent back out of the valley up to Du Faur Head. This track is quite reasonable as it gradually wends its way up a spur and then there is the last steep push up to the top.  We managed to find shelter from the wind for lunch whilst appreciating the views back into the valley.

As we continued walking past the bottom of Lockleys Pylon the wind was at its strongest and blew us around a bit.  

Soon after we arrived at Mt Hay Road where we had left cars for the return drive to Blackheath.

Thanks all for the fantastic walk, and particularly to Liz and Isobel for helping with the cars.  Jocelyn

Saturday, 31 August - Anderson Fire Trail

At 08:37 on a cool misty Saturday morning  5 Bush Lemons joined me to walk 23.34 kms along the Andersons Fire Trail. At the time of setting out the temperature was a very chilly 5 degrees so we were all well rugged up. Olga had brought along the new Bush Lemons Buffs and some of us made a quick purchase so that we could wear them to help keep out the winter chill. One of the photos shows us modelling the new buffs. 

We made good time on the track as we walked downhill towards Bedford Creek where we were to stop for morning tea. With 500 metres of descent over the 12.2km from the start to Bedford Creek we arrived at the morning tea stop at approximately 10:58.

After we finished morning tea we then continued on our way crossing Bedford Creek via some stepping stones. One walker in the group learnt a valuable lesson that just because a rock looks stable it doesn’t mean it is and if you step on said rock you will end up taking an unscheduled dip in the icy water. 

Once we crossed the creek we commenced a sharp ascent, climbing 250 metres over 1.5kms. We stopped at the top of the ascent to catch our breath before continuing along the undulating Fire Trail with a slight uphill to our lunch spot, which was 15.93 kms from our starting point.  Over lunch one of the walkers shared photos and videos of her family which we all enjoyed watching. 

As we were starting to get a little chilly sitting and chatting we decided to end the lunch stop and continue our walk. We traversed through lovely eucalyptus trees which were glistening from the recent rain. After another 7.41 kms of slight uphill walking we arrived at the finish point around 14:34. We then had a quick drive back to the starting point and then retired to a nearby cafe for coffee and sumptuous cake. One walked learnt that if you want your first choice of cake when there are only a few pieces left of said cake you need to place your order before others. Where cake is concerned sometimes it just pays to be pushy. 

Thanks to the 5 other women who joined me on this walk, I really had a fabulous time.

For those interested here’s a neat little topographic video of the walk. 

Oh and in case you were wondering the writing of the report in the above manner is a result of a challenge made by some of the walkers at morning tea. Sue A.

Saturday, 17 August - Centennial Glen & Porters Pass, Blackheath

This loop walk has it all.....views, waterfalls, historic tracks, a canyon....and it's dog friendly as it is on Council reserve.  10 Lemons and 5 dogs did this walk in gorgeous weather.  If you haven't visited this area before, then I encourage you to do so....the descent down through Centennial Glen and the gorge there is beautiful and cool.  Enjoy the photos. Jocelyn

Sunday, 11 August - Muogamarra Nature Reserve

 Six warm hearted souls donned layers and had a snow free walk to Peats Crater and Bight, Muogamarra Nature Reserve. Not being as chilly as expected the layers soon came off and we were met a bushscape of purple! Boronias, Eriostemon, Grevilea and a few Lobelia.  The vulnerable species of Tetratheca got a look in. There were bacon and eggs, Banksias, bracken and Bloodwoods. Then mangroves, melaleucas and much much more! 

It’s a beautiful little spot of seldom seen Sandstone flora, worth a visit. It’s open until end of September. There’s another walk in the area I want to do, so stay tuned!

Thanks for coming girls! Vee

Saturday, 3 August - Dingoes Playground, Wild Dog Mtns


What a most fantastic and beautiful walk this was!!!  11 of us started out from Dunphys Campground around 8.30am in sublime weather.  I was keen to get some kms natunder our belts so we scurried along the firetrail to Medlow Gap before stopping for morning tea in the sun.

Then it was onto the track which leads past Mt Mouin and then turning off towards the ascent up Blackhorse Gap. This was relatively easy with occasional scrambles.

The view was revealed up here, and we continued onto the lower cliffline of Mt Warrigal and the amazingly wonderful rock that we traversed around at length! This section of the track is wonderfully named the 'Wombat Parade'.

We finally reached the end of Mt Warrigal where the way down looked rather precipitous, but luckily Angela found the track which made it a tad slippy but much easier to get around to the next saddle and then the scramble up through a small tunnel to the top of Mt Merrimerrigal!

And then we were here at the Dingoes Playground!  A very atmospheric large rock platform surrounded by a ring of trees.

No dingoes, but one could imagine them frolicking here.  At least one of our walkers was overcome by the whole experience and seemed to become rather dingo-like herself.

We lunched back on the beautiful end of Mt Merrimerrigal with its great view, before starting back.  If you continued along the top of this ridgeline then you would reach Splendour Rock at the end of Mt Dingo in around another hour. 

We continued in the adventurous frame of mind, and decided to take a track which led off the saddle and we presumed must have been a shortcut to Mobbs Swamp. It was initially quite steep, but easier once in the valley and we indeed arrived at Mobbs Swamp and then had the slightly easier way back on this track to another break in Medlow Gap before arriving back at the cars in Dunphys Campground at 4.30pm.  A fantastic walk with wonderful company!!

Thanks to all those who came along for this challenging and adventurous walk, and thanks to Olga and Ange for their cars. How lucky are we to get to spend time in these beautiful areas! Jocelyn

Sunday, 28 July - Mt Banks

Four of us enjoyed a beautiful, sun drenched walk to Mt Banks on Sunday. There was no wind to speak of so we had a lovely time peering over the edges of sheer drops and listening the the cacophony of birds in the forest. This walk isn’t particularly long but there are so many beautiful places to stop and sit that it could easily take a day. We completed the walk as a circuit, climbing up the steps and footpad to the top, then coming back via a traverse through a pretty wooded area and the Banks Walls Fire Trail.

As always, there was great company, good conversation, many laughs and the bonus of good coffee (yes, they have almond milk) at the Blackheath General Store afterwards.  Sharron

Saturday, 27 July - Box Head

With fabulous weather and great company we all 11 of us enjoyed the walk to Box Head. We had our first stop at Lobster Beach where we gathered for the group photo.

Up the hill to Hawkes Head Dr with great views over the Ocean side to Barrenjoey Lighthouse, Lion Island and beyond. Down to Little Tallow where the foolhardy among us rolled around the edge of the ocean which had a heavy shore break and treacherous rips. Up again and along the ridge to Box Head which is the Northern side of the Deerubbin (Hawkesbury River) entrance to the sea. Here we had lunch watched by a soaring sea eagle.

Our journey home via a different route to see Aboriginal rock engravings and 4 quails. We descended back into the Bay by a mountain bike trail to finish at the hardys Bay club, where we had well earned refreshments. Great day, thanks to all who came and Belinda and Ines for the photos. Dee

Crowea saligna or Eriostomen
Epacris microphylia or Coral Heath and Epacris longiflora or Native Fuschia
Saturday, 20 July - Mt Ku-ring-gai to Berowra

 (photo credits to JanB & AngeJ)
This walk explores the valleys to the western side of the train tracks. It is part of the “Great North Walk” (250km from Sydney to Newcastle). Initially the walk goes down a steep, paved fire trail. Eventually the route becomes a single track as we walked down to Lyrebird Gully Creek. Much of the early part of the walk was accompanied by the sound of the water flowing.

Throughout the day, there was a lot of rock-hopping across the creek.

And we benefitted from some flat pads, hand-tooled into the sandstone boulders to make the route marginally safer thru the mossy rocks:

The Lyrebird caves are a series of notable sandstone overhangs on the eastern side of Lyrebird Gully.

Although much of the time we were walking along Lyrebird Gully Creek & Calna Creeks, the terrain was mostly very steep either side of the track.

We had a few sightings of individual Lyrbirds. And, 1 pair on the track.

Around the halfway-mark, the track opened out to a flat, wide, grassy area that was forested by casuarinas. We had morning tea here besides the Calna Creek Bridge at the Crosslands turn off.
The walk featured mangroves, huge middens, more moss, sandstone & towering trees as we wound our way along Berowra Creek & then upwards out of the valley to Berowra. As we gained height we had sensational views of the valley. Thanks to the 10 Lemons who came along!

Given the accessibility of this walk via the train, we didn’t encounter many other walkers until the afternoon. And, much of the walk appeared to be free of weeds. Sue G.

Sunday, 14 July - Dadder Cave, Glenbrook

What a cracker of a walk! We started from the Pisgah Rock carpark and started descending down some wonderful scrambles to the creek.

 Quite quickly we were at beautiful Erskine Creek where we had morning tea.

We discovered the Lincoln Creek campsite.

We then followed some faint tracks and bushbashed a couple of kms up the creek. It was amazingly beautiful bushland with such a diverse variety of trees, birds, waterholes and overhangs & caves everywhere!

Dadder Cave itself was smaller than I was expecting, but quite lovely.  There was a log book and lots of cooking equipment, seats etc.  You could have a lovely overnight camp here.

After lunch on the creek again we started on our way back which was just as much fun as our way here!

Thanks to all who came with an adventurous spirit, and thanks especially to Liz for her 4wd which fit us all in!  We loved this area so much that I'm already planning our next walk here for the next calendar!  Jocelyn

Saturday, 6 July 2019 - Blue Gum Swamp to Grose River

Four of us set off from Winmalee taking in the lovely Blue Gum Swamp which was lush and vibrant after the recent rain. After a steep climb to Grose Head South Lookout, we stopped for morning tea. The lookout was shrouded in mist so there was only glimpses of the valley below, but the Grose River was clearly audible. We picked our way along a ridge,  leaving some "words of wisdom" in a walkers' logbook at the Grose Head trig point, before a long descent to the Grose River, where we stopped for lunch and one of us was brave enough to have a quick dip! We then returned the way we came, getting back to the cars in record time, while still enjoying the spectacular views that were now visible as the mist had lifted. Thanks to all for a lovely walk! Ilsa

Sunday, 30 June 2019 - Devils Hole & Rennies Tunnel

6 Lemons enjoyed the crisp clear winter day to go exploring!

Meeting at the start of the 6ft track (Katoomba) we walked through the bush,
had a short road walk and then headed into the gorgeous Devil's Hole. It is
a spectacular pass and "the rock" stopped us in our tracks

Once through the pass we followed the base of the escarpment and enjoyed
morning tea at Waterfall Cave under a magnificent overhang and sandstone

It is easy to see why the Sydney Water ladders are no longer used - they are
missing the last 3 metres!  

From here we walked down to the firetrail after a short chain scramble.

We quickly found the very small entry to Rennie's Tunnel and after donning
head torches we headed in.

The passage is very small but soon opens up to standing height.

We then headed out to the Six Foot Track, found a sunny spot for lunch and
then headed up Nellies Glen and return to the cars.

Thanks to those who came and especially Jocelyn for her local knowledge - it
was a great little adventure. Happy winter walking - it is THE BEST! Anne

Sunday, 23 June - Kanangra Walls to Crafts Wall

View from Kanangra Walls which shows Crafts Wall up on the right
Kanangra Walls is around 2 hours drive from the upper mountains, but its worth it for the magnificent views.  It's even worth driving through snow to get here!

Walking up onto the plateau shows the beautiful views to the north, east and south!

We clambered down the pass and then onto the track whch leads along the ridge and up to the bottom of Crafts Wall.  This section of wall is pretty awesome.  We found the track that leads around to the south west corner and ascended up it to take in the 360 degree views.  Beautiful!

After lunch we returned the same way, enjoying the Black Cockatoos, rosellas, yellow robins and lots and lots of small honeyeaters.  It was somehow much easier going up the pass than the tentative clamber down!

We quickly visited Dance Floor Cave on the way out.

A sensational walk in a most spectacular area.  I'm hoping to put on a camping weekend at Kanangra Walls on our next calendar so everyone gets to enjoy this area and the variety of walks.  Thanks to Jude for her car and driving and to all for coming along. Jocelyn

How this tree dealt with a human's sign!
Saturday, 15 June - Burning Palms, Royal National Park

18 Lemons walked to Burning Palms (approx. 14km round trip).
The walk started at the Otford Look-Out’s car park. The track is easy to access from Otford train station.

It is an extremely varied walk. It is part of the Royal National Park’s coastal track. We went from hang-glider cliff-top down to the beach.

Initially we walk north along Garrawarra Ridge Trail. Near the Garrawarra Farm car park, we descend towards the north point of Burning Palms beach.

We join the Coast Track to walk north onto Burning Palms Beach for a picnic lunch & swim. Although the surf was cold initially, it was warm enough to stay in the ocean for leisurely body surf.

After lunch we continue back up to Otford LookOut via the Coast Track. Enjoying the fantastic coastal views (inc. Figure of Eight Pools).

From the beach & cliffs we could see the migrating humpback whales spouting.

 The weather was fantastically mild for mid winter. Stunning blue sky & ocean. Sue G

8 June 2019 - GLBTQ walk, Charles Darwin Walk

32 GLBTQ walkers did this lovely easy walk as part of the June long weekend activities.  It was overcast, but dry, and the views at the lookout at the end were sublime.  Some of us had lunch at Il Postino in the Wenty Falls village afterwards and of course enjoyed looking through the Bent Art exhibition.  Thanks to all for coming along and joining in!! Jocelyn

1 June 2019 - Mt Solitary, Jamison Valley

Mt Solitary is always a wonderful place to walk to and takes around 3 hours one way.  11 of us tackled this walk in the most perfect weather conditions.  We descended down the Golden Stairs to the Federal Pass and followed this beautiful track through the light rainforest area before it opened up into more dry forest.  The Federal Pass is a great place to hear and see Lyrebirds, and they didn't disappoint!

Morning tea was had at one of the recently constructed shelters, complete with water tanks and toilet.  Then it was on to the bottom of Korowal Knife Edge and the fun clamber up and up. There are lots of false tracks which lead to nowhere, so the aim is to keep to the top of the ridge.

We couldn't resist the pose on one of the larger rocks here where I asked everyone to access their inner model for the photo (you know.....the disinterested look, the fake gaze into the distance, the hint of a sneer - for some it came very naturally!).

The gorgeous models posing
After more scrambling we were on top of Mt Solitary and then we walked the extra kilometre to Chinamans Gully and around to Melville's Lookout for lunch which has a most spectacular view south.

The south side of Mt Solitary
And then it was time for the return journey back the same way.  As it was later in the afternoon the Lyrebirds were going off!  We had their beautiful calls echoing around us. The ascent up the Golden Stairs didn't take too long and then it was back to the comfort of the cars.  I love this walk!  Thanks to everyone who came along for this long but very rewarding walk.  Jocelyn

Sat, 25 May - Ironpot Ridge, Ironmonger Spur, Breakfast Creek, Wild Dog Mtns

Well you know its going to be an interesting day when our early morning start gets delayed by a major truck accident just outside Blackheath.  Luckily some of our walkers got through before the accident shut the highway, but some got stuck and unfortunately couldn't make it (and they were missed!).

We drove down to Dunphys Campground, and one of us had to block the cute pony who wanted to make a dash for the gate whilst we were driving thorugh.  The walk started with a bit of dirt road walking and then there was the big ascent up to Ironpot Mountain.  We saw a lovely wombat and several wallabies along the way. It was nice walking along the top of ridge for a while before we stopped for a quick morning tea at the axe grinding grooves.

Then it was the big descent down the spur to Coxs River.  Everything seemed a bit more slippery than normal, possibly due to the very dry conditions which seemed to have caused more erosion.

Sliding our way down
It was good to see that the Coxs River still had plenty of water in it, but I've certainly seen it with much more too.  We stopped here for 2nd morning tea.

Then we had the long walk up Breakfast Creek, which was not flowing but did have numerous pools of water.  This creek has to be one of the most loveliest, and it has a kind of ancient, peaceful and hidden quality about it which my photos don't do justice.

Lunch was had at a nice grassy clearing, before we turned onto the track heading up Carlons Creek and the slog back up the hill.

All up the walk was around 6.5 hours due to our increased pace because of the later start and also its easier walking up Breakfast Creek without so much water (but not as pleasant).

We celebrated getting back to the car with Angela doing a handstand, but to cap off the weird start to the day, my camera missed the actual handstand!

On our drive back out we came across the previous said pony who had obviously finally escaped two gates and was trotting most determinedly up the long hill.  We briefly discussed fitting him in the back seat, but instead we stopped off at the Tea Rooms to advise them and they were going to contact the owner. (I think the Lemons need their own cute pony (and perhaps a wombat too).

Thanks to the Lemons who made it, and commiserations to those who missed it.  Jocelyn

Kanangra to Katoomba, Fri 10 May - Mon 13 May

Lemons under a rainbow
What an absolutely mind-blowingly wonderful challenging walk this was!!  50km over 4 days of wilderness walking from Kanangra Walls to Katoomba over mountains, into valleys, back up mountains, and views, views, views.

Many thanks to Sue A. & Olga for driving the 8 walkers out to Kanangra Walls for the start (your gold stars are in the mail).  We started walking around 8.30am out on the Kanangra Walls plateau and it took a little while to locate the pass off and begin lowering our packs for the first tricky descent.

Looking towards the mountains we would be climbing!

Lowering packs down the pass
We had morning tea under Crafts Wall and had our first big climb of the day up Mt Berry, then it was climb after climb as we went up and down....Mt High & Mighty, Rip, Rack, Roar and Rumble.  The weather was very damp and it was windy and very cold so we stopped just before dark on a saddle just before Mt Cloudmaker.  We had early nights after warming drinks and dinners.

Looking back to Crafts & Kanangra Walls

After a wet and windy night we were up early and summited Mt Cloudmaker to cheers and the sun!

Then onto Dex Creek for breakfast and topping up our water supplies.....oh and for gorgeous chocolate cake for a walker's you do.

Then it was a more gentle ascent back onto the ridge before climbing Mt Moorilla Maloo, more ups and downs, and finally onto Mt Strongleg for lunch. The views, as always, were just sublime.  After Mt Strongleg there was a very steep and long descent down towards Kanangra Creek, near Coxs River.

Down, down down.......

There were some stumbles and tumbles on this rather precipitous descent and we were all very thankful to arrive on the banks of Kanangra Creek.  Instead of walking up to camp at the more popular campsite at the junction of Coxs River, we located a beautiful grassy campsite and quickly made it our own.

The most lovely Kanangra Creek

We had washes in the lovely creek area and then a nice gentle fire to dry out clothes etc and feast on our dehydrated dinners.

After a good night's sleep we reluctantly left our campsite and walked up dry sections of the creek to the junction with the Coxs River.

Gorgeous tree in Kanangra Creek
At this junction we walked a bit downstream to small rapids where we had to cross the river.

Then it was a very long ascent up Yellow Pup Ridge....up up up!  Thank goodness for the zigzag sections near the top!  From here it was an undulating track that went past the Mt Dingo and Splendour Rock turnoff before we arrived at Mobbs Swamp.  We had decided we would carry extra water on for a few kms rather than camp here, but unfortunately we couldn't locate water!!  (We were later advised that there was a small amount of water rather hidden at the other end of the little cave area).  Instead we walked on to Medlow Gap and made camp here whilst a few of us walked down to the headstream of Breakfast Creek and filled up our water containers for the group.  Medlow Gap has improved as a campsite as nature is reclaiming it more and more.

Another cool and sunny morning, and it was off on our last day to climb up to Mt Debert and then onto the bottom of the end of the Narrowneck peninsula.  Sophie decided to embrace Taro's Ladders and the rest of the clambered around the pass.  (Onya Sophie!!)

Give us a wave Sophie!

We scrambled up and over rocks and ladders till we reached Clear Hill at the end of Narrowneck and the beautiful views back the way we had come!

Then it was the mere 10km slog back on the firetrail to the locked gate on Narrowneck.  What an achievement!!!!!!

And we still look relatively fresh at the end!
Thanks so much to all those wonderful women who rose to this challenge, and particular thanks to Sophie and Anne who navigated the tracks and made sure we didn't go off on the wrong one.  We had a gps to check our position, track notes and maps.  It was just a brilliant walk in the real wilderness where we had to make decisions about where to get water, where to camp, which way to go.  It was hard, but the views and constant changing landscape kept us distracted.  Just wonderful!!!! Jocelyn

Saturday, 4 May - Narrowneck evening walk

We had a lovely walk on Narrowneck on Saturday! Six of us set out just on sunset, enjoying the beautiful end-of-day light and the pretty colours of an autumn sunset. The chill in the air reminded us all that winter is on the way. Imagine our excitement when one of our walkers told us about the tail end of Haley's Comet being visible in the sky that night. We were quite a sight, craning our necks and faces skywards. Never mind that it wasn't due until 2am, we're an optimistic bunch and were rewarded with one decent meteor and lots of little traces of light streaking across the sky.

After a warming cup of tea on the trail, we headed back to the cars and a welcome dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant on Katoomba. Thanks everyone, and to Sam for helping with the car pooling. Sharron

Narrowneck Bike Ride - Sun 28 April

On a brisk and slightly blustery morning 7 hardy lemons made tracks to enjoy the spectacular views offered by Narrowneck plateau.

The trail was a little rough and steep in sections,(it’s a shame photos never do gradients justice) but we all made it up and down safely in our own way in an upright fashion.

Luckily I had the camera on the sports setting!!

Not too much haze about, giving us a great view of Burragorang (part of the Sydney water catchment)

After a few happy snaps and snacks we mounted up for the return journey.

This type of ride was a new experience to some in the group and a big thumbs up to their determination and perseverance.
Thanks to all that made the trip up to the mountains to join the ride.

Special shout out to Joc for helping shuttle the bikes to the start of the ride and Denise at the end of the ride.

It was great to meet you all and share in this wheely great ride. 

Keep pedaling 

Asgard Swamp, Mt Victoria - Sat 27 April

5 of us enjoyed a very relaxed walk to Asgard Swamp in Mt Victoria on Saturday. The weather was perfect - just a hint of crispness in the air under a clear blue sky. This walk is quiet easy, with a gently sloping firetrail that meanders down to the Asgard Swamp area. The swamp itself is dry, with grasses and small bushes creating a meadow-like landscape.
After having a quick snack at the huge rock that overlooks the Swamp we headed off on an unplanned adventure to the end of a track with spectacular views over the gross valley. We were unexpectedly right on the edge of the escarpment, with a sheer drop to the valley floor below. A highlight was a glimpse of the “rock face” that gazes out over the valley.
The rock face that gazes out over the valley!

 The walk back was a good chance to stretch the legs. Petalura Cafe at Mt Victoria provided us with great coffee afterwards. Thanks to women who came along - lovely to walk with you all!  Sharron

Middle Head walk – April 21, 2019

18 Lemons came along for this walk. For more than half, it was their first Bush Lemons’ walk. Sydney’s stunning harbour was complemented by perfect walking weather. The walk can be best summarised by this first photograph “Harbour view”. (photo Karen S)


We all met a Circular Quay, then caught the ferry to Taronga Zoo. 98% of the ferry crowd went into the zoo. Yee ha! And we started our walk eastwards through Sydney Harbour National Park. The protects islands and foreshore around Sydney Harbour. It is predominantly a thin piece of bush. But in parts there are significantly large parts of bush protected. (photos SuzanneB)

Some Lemons swam in Clifton Gardens enclosed baths. Including hoisting up the ladders to repeatedly jump from the wharf. (photo KarenS)

All along the walk, there were view across to the southside of the harbour (eg Opera House & Watsons Bay). After we ascended up to Georges Head Lookout, we had panoramic views of north head, south head & middle head (photo SueG)

Photo Karen S

We ate a picnic lunch on top of the Middle Head sandstone cliffs … looking out to sea, watching ferries & yachts scoot around below us. (photo SuzanneB)

All recording devices were confiscated so that there is absolutely no evidence that any Bush Lemons availed themselves of refreshments at Frenchies café in the arts precinct of Middle Head.

Five Lemons left the walk by forking off down the path to Balmoral. The remaining 13 Lemons walked back to the ferry at Taronga Zoo.

It was a fabulous day out adventuring. The Taronga to Middle Head walk is astonishingly quiet for such an inner city location. And a lot of the walk was shaded & therefore cool. Thanks for everyone’s help on-the-day. Sue G.
Saturday, 13 April - Govetts Leap, Junction Rock, Evans Lookout loop

We all agreed that this has to be just one of the most beautiful walks you can ever do.  It has everything....views, waterfalls, swimming, rainforest.  The beauty along the way helps distract you from the challenge of the walk.

We started at Govetts Leap and quickly descended to the bottom of Bridal Veil Falls, via the spectacular track cut into the side of the cliff.  The track then more slowly descends down via the Rodriguez Pass track past many waterfalls and the beautiful rushing creek down to Junction Rock (the junction of Govetts Leap Brook and Govetts Creek).  We had breakfast here with a resident Brush Turkey and some walkers indulged in swims.

The track follows this creek for a little while before we begin the ascent back up towards the cliffline.  The birds were plentiful and gorgeous and we saw a few Golden Whistlers amongst others....bliss!  We took a slight unplanned diversion off the track, but it meant we discovered the immediately named 'Rebirthing Rock'!

Emerging from Rebirthing Rock!
We had lunch near where the track meets the end of the spectacular Grand Canyon, with so many more beautiful small rock pools, mossy rocks and just breathtakingly beautiful vistas.

My favourite set of stepping stones
Then walk from here up to Evans Lookout is just gorgeous.  We had a brief rest here before walking along the clifftops back to the cars at Govetts Leap.  What a most gorgeous walk in lovely company and perfect weather. The walk took just under 7 hours and if you haven't done this walk before then I strongly suggest you think about it! Thanks all those who came along. Jocelyn

The view from Govetts Leap

Sunday, 31 March - Blue Gum Forest

11 of us enjoyed sublime weather for the Blue Gum Forest walk today.  There was a real crispness to the air and the views into the Grose Valley were incredibly clear.  We took out time on the long desent down from Perrys Lookdown.

A few of us took weighted full packs as a bit of training and consequently we were able to take additional items which made for luxurious cups of tea and coffee with lunch!!

Some breezed up the ascent out of the valley and some took a bit longer, had regular stops and and admired the view on the way.  Thanks to everyone who came along to appreciate this beautiful walk and fantastic valley.  It was a great day!!

And extra thanks to Olga and Sam for their cars and Anne for going above and beyond in support of walkers. Jocelyn

Saturday, 23 March -  Little Beach to Putty Beach

10 Lemons had a wonderful walk along the coast track in beautiful Bouddi National Park, with glorious weather and perfect swimming conditions.

From Little Beach we walked steeply up to the Bombi Moor fire trail along the top, with occasional distant if sweeping views of the ocean, and then into the forest on single-track, up and down over and around headlands. Here we had enough stunning sea views to satisfy all and came down to the gorgeous and sparsely populated beach at Maitland Bay to enjoy our first and quite lengthy swim and morning tea.

When we could bring ourselves to leave the golden sands and clear blue water, we hiked up again over more headlands, along board walk and into the more touristed area towards Putty Beach (Killcare), where we had lunch and our second swim.

Here four lemons left us for the wonders of shopping centres with cafes and opportunities to ogle local lesbians, while the rest returned along the same track, marveling at the different views and vistas available when you simply turn round and walk the other way!

The consensus was this was a great walk, one to be repeated, with some saying it was their best walk in years! It will certainly go on the calendar again.  Cheers, Jem

Sunday, 17 March - Leura Falls, Lindemans Pass, Copelands Pass

Not surprisingly I had a number of cancellations for today's walk, given the extremely wet conditions, but 4 of us were silly brave enough to go ahead.  This really was a grand waterfalls walk as they were all in full glory and pounding!  We managed to keep our feet wet until our first creek which required a wade.

We were mostly protected under the tree canopy from any rain, but regardless we still got very wet, grubby, dirty, soaking, grotty etc etc. The ascent up Copelands Pass is challenging but fun!  Lots of scrambling, steep sections, drop offs, dodging of rocks, spectacular views out to the cloudy valleys, intimate moments with leeches and lyrebirds, and of course getting dirty and wet.

Thanks so much for Jan, Ines and Olga for coming along and rising to the challenge of this great walk! Jocelyn

Sunday, 10 March - Bantry Bay kayak

It was perfect kayaking weather - overcast, no wind, and lovely temperature.  We kayaked from The Spit up to historc Bantry Bay, with all its munitions buildings falling slowly into disrepair.

And discovered the end of Bantry Bay is rather gorgeous with beautiful mangrove trees and its hushed atmosphere.

We paddled around to Flat Rock Beach for morning tea which was a delightful little beach.

Then we slowly kayaked back towards The Spit, enjoying the wash from passing boats.  A lovely easy paddle. Jocelyn

Sprocket came along for the ride!

Saturday, 9 March - Terrace Falls

4 Lemons had a lovely meander around the Terrace Falls circuit at Hazelbrook on Saturday. This is a really pretty walk and has a little bit of everything that we love about the mountains - waterfalls, rainforest, huge gum trees, old mossy stairs, a little bit of up, a little bit of down....  we encountered lots of little lizards, a pair of lyrebirds and one very well fed leach that accompanied us to coffee at WikiLeaks Cafe in Hazelbrook (well worth going to - great coffee and the food looked amazing). Lovely company as always! Sharron

Saturday, 23 February - Ingar Picnic Area

Ingar Picnic Area used to be an over-used, noisy and dirty area when cars could access it, but now that the road is blocked to cars it is a rejuvenated, clean and serene campground and waterhole.  It's around 10km to walk to it on a dirt road off Tableland Road, Wentworth Falls.

There are lots of camping areas here and the Lemons may take advantage of it's new pristine state to camp here in the near future. 

Woody Pear tree fruit?
The walk back is somewhat uphill, but still easy.  Thanks to those who came along for this lovely walk is perfect weather (ie. it wasn't hot!).  Jocelyn

Saturday, 16 February - Narrabeen Lagoon

This 8km loop walk at Narrabeen is quite easy and lovely, but do watch out for all the bikes whizzing past!  This made it an exhausting and sometimes stressful walk.  Regardless we had a nice time and enjoyed having the dogs along, looking at the local birdlife, and the cafe afterwards!

Saturday, 9 February - Six Foot Track to Ford Crossing

Blissful weather, lovely nature and splendid company!  We initially descended down through beautiful Nellie's Glen and then the track flattens out and expands in the valley.

Lunch was had on beautiful Megalong Creek where Sue was the only brave one to swm.  We avoided the brief storm and then made our way back and slogged up through the ascent - the lovely rainforest and waterfalls distracting us well. 

Kate and Olga couldn't resist the chains!
Thanks to all those who came along for this most lovely walk. Jocelyn

Saturday, 2 February - Euroka Clearing & Nepean River

Nepean River
 13 of us had a lovely walk from the entrance to the National Park at Glenbrook.  It was occasionally drizzling, but mostly not, and the precipitation just leant more beauty to the bush - gorgeous colours came out of tree trunks, spiders webs became jewels and everything was washed and lush.

We initially walked down the access road and turned off on the walking track to Euroka Clearing, which is a nice campground with resident kangaroos.

We then located the track which lead us a short distance to where Euroka Creek joins the Nepean River.  The river was perfect and most of us went in for a wonderful long swim!!  Alas no photos because some things just need to stay with those who were on the walk.

We then headed back along the track and called in to have lunch at Blue Pool, which was more like Brown Pool with the previous rain, but still beautiful and atmospheric.

Blue Pool....looking more Brown Pool
After the long hill climb back to the cars we decided hot drinks at a Glenbrook cafe were in order.  Thanks to everyone who came along and enjoyed the beauty of this area, especially in the damp conditions!  Jocelyn

20 January - Walls Cave, Blackheath

7 Lemons enjoyed a short walk down to Walls Cave in Blackheath this morning. This is an easy walk and quiet pretty, although there are a lot of stairs.

Surprisingly, Blackheath turned on a misty day for us. Spider webs were bedecked with droplets and the bush had a beautiful, mysterious feel. Lots of black cockatoos were feasting on the hakeas, and the little birds were serenading as we passed. There are still a lot of wildflowers in bloom - mountain devils, little mauve fringed lilies (aka fringed violets), lots of tea tree, plus many tiny flowers. The creek is low but flowing well, with the debris and muddy bottom showing the impact of the storms we've had over the summer. We spent quite a bit of time enjoying the ambience of the cave itself, although it was disappointing to see the graffiti on some of the walls of what is a sacred Aboriginal site. We headed back to Blackheath to "Slurps" for coffee and lunch afterwards - they do a great Buddha Bowl!

A reminder that time is passing - normally on this walk we do a detour to a small hill that overlooks two dams that provide water to the upper Mountains. Today there was a sign at the start of the track, saying it was closed for expected back-burn activities in autumn 2019. I know the heat's been challenging for many, but get out there and enjoy summer - it will pass quickly enough. Sharron

10 January - Wentworth Falls Lake

Women, dogs, mist, ducks - the perfect BL midweek walk.

Saturday, 5 January - Deep Pass

Deep Pass is a beautiful area and 10 of us enjoyed our little explore of this area on a fairly warm day.  It takes just over an hour to drive to the carpark from Mt Victoria, and its only around 20 minutes walk down to the lovely campground (keep your eyes peeled on our next calendar for a camp here).

walking into the campground
We walked up Deep Pass itself which has lots of beautiful pagodas and the possibility of exploration is endless.

We then rewarded ourselves with the walk up lush Nayook Canyon to its absolutely gorgeous swimming of the best swimming holes we have visited!!

It appears that you can walk all the way through the canyon using occasional ropes, but it can be quite slippery so we mainly stuck to the cool area of the waterhole.

Thanks to everyone who came along for this adventure, and special thanks to Anne & Olga who helped with the ropes section and Diane for the carpooling. Jocelyn

Saturday, 1 December - Mt Vic Falls to Pierces Pass

What a glorious day to be out walking. 8 Lemons headed off from Victoria Falls car park and our first stop was taking in the magnificent view of the upper reaches of the Gross River.

We then walked through bush that had obviously welcomed the recent rains as it was lush and fresh and the gums were all tipped with new red leaves and wildflowers and little lizards were out in force.

This is a walk of quarters - descending to the valley, Victoria Creek, Gross Valley ascending Hungerford Track/Pearces Pass. For half the walk we followed water - Victoria Cascades were beautiful

but it was in the Gross River where we enjoyed, swimming, sitting, talking and laughing at morning tea and lunch.

Another good thing about walking through the upper grose is that we hardly saw any other people and had our lunch and morning tea spots to ourselves.

The last quarter is the up and out and it was pretty hot until we reached the rainforest section.

We passed wonderful flowers, the hugest caterpillar EVER (anyone know what it is?) and had the company of a gorgeous Golden Whistler through the beautiful cool rainforest.

We then all retired to Blackheath for a well earned cool (or hot) drink!

All in all a wonderful walk in the company of wonderful Lemons. Thanks to all who came along and especially to Jocelyn and Olga for helping with the early morning car swap.  Anne

Saturday, 24 November - Empire Pass

Four of us set off on a picturesque morning to enjoy the wonders of a pretty Mid Mountains walk. First stop was to skirt around a baby snake just before Lawson's "Echo Point", then on to marvel at Fairy Falls and Dantes Glen. We were joined by several curious birds along the way, and one we decided would be known as the Olive Throated Brown Lawson Pigeon. Frederica Falls was the perfect spot for lunch and a refreshing dip of the toes in the pool. Thanks to all for a lovely wander - Ilsa

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